I love your breakdown of the lyrics just over a we

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Happy? by Mudvayne
I love your breakdown of the lyrics. Just over a week ago, my wife of almost 10 years asked for a divorce because in her words, she wanted to have fun and she’s seen how her depression brought her down, she didn’t want mine to bring her down. I supported her for almost years though numerous phases of depression, anxiety, suicide attempts… Yet when I finally realized I was suffering from depression myself, there was nothing there for me. It was soul crushing. The years I tried to give everything I could then to get no help when I needed it most.

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:heart: Just love yourself, you deserve to love and value yourself and care for YOU now.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Thanks, for expressing your concerns! Mental health issues can be exhausting for someone to live through each day. It’s good for you to communicate with your wife about the issues that you guys have going through many years. @PlatformReply I agree that it’s important to take care of yourself before others. Did you explain your wife about suffering depression too? Depression is hard for others to battle because I used to have it too. I have numerous of mental health issues and keep telling myself to remain positive. Just think of your mental health issues like a wall blocking you to pass through. No one likes to be block by something to go through. Do I expect you to be happy 24/7? No!!! You are going to have good and bad days.

I recommend to be really brutal honest on how you feel with her mental health issues. You can’t always depend on your loved one to help with your depression and anxiety. I don’t want anybody closed to me be more stressful with my mental health issues. People have a outside life and need to take care of themselves. It’s okay to vent others but you need to remember on how your words and actions affect someone’s mental health. Don’t let mental health issues impact her and your marriage. I personally don’t know if she is seeing a therapist for mental health issues. If your wife did divorce you, she can’t be in another relationship if she doesn’t improve her mental health. I hope you & your wife able to fight through this difficult challenge.