I m a grown man and a lifelong slipknot fan just w

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Belongs to: All 27 Slipknot music videos say 1 thing…and it’s not what you expect
I’m a grown man and a lifelong slipknot fan. Just went to one of their concerts last week.

This video brought me to tears.
I consistently struggle with the feeling that I’m not enough; no matter how much I achieve, no matter what build, what I earn, no matter what I accomplish.

Thank you for sharing.

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Hopefully the tears brought a little bit of relief at the time. <3 They’re not always welcomed, even less wanted, but they can serves to reconnect with ourselves in ways that can be truly healing at times.

Feeling like you’re not enough is a real burden to carry day in day out. It remains unseen to most, but there’s no doubt that it feels very real and very present for you every day. It’s hard when it feels like somehow you are condemned to never meet your own expectations, because from the very beginning you would not qualify for it already. So you try regardless, you put yourself out there, you pour your heart into the things you do, you achieve goals, but over time it feels like a never-ending cycle where one goal replaces another, then another, then another one… There’s never enough to make you feel enough. It feels like running towards the same mirage over and over. In the middle of it, being aware of the pattern at play feels excruciating. You know rationally that it’s working against you, but it feels hard to unlearn this narrative that has been running in the back of your mind for so long.

For what it’s worth, I feel this with you and with all of my heart. For as long as I can remember, everything in my life has aligned with the inner belief of not being enough. My brain defaults to this no matter what, and I’ve learned to master the art of self-sabotage. It’s frustrating to see yourself failing yourself over and over, knowing that it’s wrong, but feeling like it’s just automatisms that are out of your control at some point. As if you were wired to never wear the right glasses - the ones that would finally make you see how valuable and worthy you actually are. How much you don’t need to prove yourself to earn your right to be.

Right here, and right now, I wish to acknowledge that you are enough just as you are, my friend. I personally don’t need to know you, know your story or what you’ve accomplished in your life to see and feel the beauty of who you are. You have breath in your lungs, and that in itself shows to the world around you how much you matter. It’s a strange concept to wrap our head around when it’s about ourselves, but it’s one really worth exploring, especially when it challenges this thought that tells us that we’re not enough. I hope that, over time and through tiny steps, you will experience seeing the real beauty in you without feeling the pressure of looking at the next mountain to climb instead. In this very moment, in the deep breaths that you could take, in your presence, in the gift you offer to this world by simply being, you are enough. :heart: