I m adult with intellectual disability i have diff

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I’m adult with intellectual disability I have difficulties to be positive when friends or family dies in my life over the years . or when having a hard time of learning and understanding things how can be positive when life goes dark ?

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Hi Friend,

I think my first initial point would be that anybody, regardless of ability or disability experiences moments of negativity or darkness in life. However, your feelings are valid and it’s okay to grieve and struggle.

Being an adult with an intellectual disability might present unique challenges, but it doesn’t diminish the depth of your emotions. In fact, it may make navigating these emotions even more challenging. It’s crucial to recognize and honor your feelings, allowing yourself the space to process and express them

Being positive doesn’t mean suppressing or denying your emotions. It’s about finding the light within the darkness, even though that’s easier said than done sometimes. The challenges you face are complex, and it’s important you give yourself time and space to navigate through them. When things become too much, break them down into manageable chunks and celebrate small wins and victories where possible.

It’s all about finding strength and resilience in the darkness :people_hugging:

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Hi Friend, Thank you for your comment. It must be difficult to manage expressing yourself sometimes if you have an intellectual disability and knowing if you are perhaps reacting or behaving in the “right” or same way as others but you know actually I honestly believe that everyone finds the situations you have mentioned incredibly difficult and mainly because there is no right or wrong way to react to those things. We all react differently and as a rule the only way to manage is time and support from others. Grief from loss of a loved one or loss of a part of your life is dreadfully hard and something we all have to deal with at some point, time, love, support and understanding is the best way to make it make sense. Take care my friend. x

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The question you ask is so important, and I imagine how life has appeared to be profoundly discouraging for you and particularly dark at times. It’s hard when it feels like we are constantly forced to deal with obstacles and pain we never asked for. That there is some kind of force in life that keeps working against us and putting us down, over and over. Hard to feel hopeful keep a positive mindset when you’re just tired and long for the possibility to rest, to feel at peace.

If anything, finding it difficult to be positive when you are grieving the loss of people you love, or when you are confronted to your disability. In loss and grief already, there is something profoundly shocking and troubling when we are in this situation and have to compose with the absence of someone. One day they were a part of our life and we were laughing with them, then the next day they’re not here anymore and we’re only met with silence. It’s a brutal experience, one that would make anyone feel heartbroken. I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with you for having a hard time, for feeling sad, depressed or lost under such circumstances. Actually, it is an expression of your humanity, of the love you have for others and for life itself.

To me personally, something that has been helping me the most in light of chronic health issues and grief - things I can’t control directly - is to try to remain kind towards myself, to give myself grace. There are situations in life that challenge our heart and soul very deeply, and it’s especially during those seasons that we need to be our best and most nurturing allies. It’s okay to have a hard time, it’s okay to feel a certain way as how you feel is always valid. It’s okay to treat yourself well, ask yourself what nice gesture you could do for yourself today, and how to make the next day a little more pleasant or enjoyable. There are days when we’ll be able to do less, perform less, commit less to the expectations we’ve set, and that’s okay. You are allowed to give yourself grace. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. :heart: