I m definitely a victim of ghosting it has happene

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I"m definitely a victim of ghosting. It has happened so much that my mental health dropped alot and my depression has increased because of it. And also my trust as well as significantly dropped and i feel likei just can’t trust anyone anymore when it comes to friendships. It makes me feel incredibly hopeless and it’s not something i ever wanted to experience but here we are. Just even one friend will be enough for me that i can talk to and connect with is enough for me but it just seems hopeless

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I’m extremely sorry that there has been this distance between your friends. Their actions do not dictate your worth and your value in the world and in other’s lives.
I know it’s so hard because you don’t have answers.

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Being ghosted is truly an awful experience to go through. Especially as you’ve been experiencing this not just once but multiple times. At some point it gets hard to not doubt yourself in thes situation, to not wonder what you could have done wrong and why people keep pushing you away. I can only imagine all the what if questions you may have asked yourself, and the torment that these questions have created over time. It makes completely sense to feel like it has affected your mental-health and overall well-being, worsening your depression at the same time. Ghosting is this awful type of abandonment that leaves you with your own imagination, fears and worries. It’s hard to not think about the worst or to not accuse ourselves of not being enough [insert anything here]. It just leaves us wounded and forced to deal with it as much as we can. It’s so hard to not have even just a sense of explaination and closure - but to have to create it ourselves. My heart really goes out to you.

It also makes sense to feel like your sense of trust has been completely shaken. You’ve been disappointed, hurt and felt betrayed by people you were close to. Having that level of connection being suddenly broken just makes you want to retreat away from everything and everyone. I know it does for me… it triggers some kind of urge to withdraw and stop giving others a chance, so that at least I feel like having some sense of control and safety. I may not control or predict others behaviors, but I can decide to cut off the roots of what ends up being hurtful… Trust feeling like being such a big piece of it. But on the other side it feels like such a curse as you end up isolating yourself, and preventing yourself from developing again meaningful connections. Trusting others with ourselves feels like such a gambling game sometimes, and when people ghost you, you just don’t want to simply sit there and take the punches over and over… you want to have a say on it, share your voice, show that you EXIST and can’t be treated like a disposable object.

Through it all, I hope you can give yourself as much grace as possible, because regardless of the context with the people who ghosted you, the way they responded to the problem was their decision, but not the reflection of your worth. It’s also not indicating how your relationships are going to be in the future, but to find some sense of restoration within takes time, and it’s okay to take as much time as you need. I’m rooting for you.