I’m done with this crap

Now, I know your reading the title and thinking “shxt, she’s going to commit suicide” Well I’m not. What I mean is, I’m fvcking done with my mom, and I’m done with my a$$hole sister. My mom blamed me for my depression, acted like I threaten suicide whenever I don’t get my way(I don’t)and that I’m holding it emotionally over her, and told me to slit my wrists. My sister is, like I said, an asshole. I would wait to be old enough for emancipation, but I’m not going to because I’m done. I’m going to stop acting like I can’t do anything and saying “oh poor me, my mom and sister emotionally and physically abuse me and I can’t do shxt”. Well I can, and I’m going to. However, I’ve heard stories about CPS that are kinda scary, and I’m pretty sure my mom would be pissed if CPS showed up, but I really don’t give a shxt. And I won’t slit my wrists.


Hey @Scarlette_Elle I’ve dealt with a bad family situation too, especially with my own mother. I’m proud of you for realizing that there’s a problem, that’s always the first step in changing something. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with your mom saying things like that, no one deserves that. I wish you the best of luck with whatever happens. Hold fast my friend, you mean the world to me.

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I was thinking of going to CPS, but my case doesn’t even have laws preventing it. So basically, siblings can beat and harm their siblings without worry. Damn. That sucks

That happened to me with my sister, CPS can’t do anything about siblings but they can do something about parents or guardians. If your sister is over 18, legally something can be done in most states, but I don’t know the depth of your situation so I can’t give much advice. All I can say is keep looking online for laws and resources for these things, that will help a ton.

I was thinking of going to CPS, but my case doesn’t even have laws preventing it. So basically, siblings can beat and harm their siblings without worry. Damn. That sucks

If not about the situation with your sister, the one with your mom is handled by the law. What you describe:

My mom blamed me for my depression, acted like I threaten suicide whenever I don’t get my way(I don’t)and that I’m holding it emotionally over her, and told me to slit my wrists.

This is verbal/emotional abuse. You can talk to the CPS about this.

I’m trying to think of a plan at the moment, I’ll update on it soon

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