I m getting ghosted right now again it s not the f

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Belongs to: Cinematic Emotional Masterpiece by Deathcore Band! - Lorna Shore Pain Remains Therapist's Reaction
I‘m getting ghosted right now again. It‘s not the first time by this person. But she use her phone really rarely. Mostly we see each other on social events here and than the chemicals are all good. But after we parted ways it‘s like I don’t even exist sometimes


I’m sorry that it feels distant with your friend at times. I know sometimes I’m not always the best at responding to people in a timely manner and at times my friends just send through a “hey thinking of you” text. It’s always so lovely to be reminded of that and it encourages me that if I haven’t heard from someone in a while it’s okay to just drop a line.


Hi Friend. First of all, I sympathise with you in regards to being left suddenly, especially given that it isn’t the first time this has happened to you. However I also see it on the other side, in that there is always a reason for someone becoming distant. Perhaps the person is struggling mentally, or maybe things were just getting too much and they needed a break. Whatever their reasoning is, it’s valid. You should try to talk to them after a few days of giving them space to see if you can deal with any issues they may have. I’m sorry to hear this is causing you to feel like you don’t exist, but I can assure you, you are loved and cared about by so many. Keep your head up! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi friend, this is a very hard situation to be in and I’m sorry you’re struggling with not talking to your friend as often as you’d like. I have issues with that too and I can relate to you on some level. I would encourage you to talk to your friend and let them know how you’re feeling. They might not even realize that the length in between the time you talk is too long for you. I’m glad you do get to interact on social events sometimes and it looks like everything is fine when that happens. That’s really good!


Hi, Thanks for posting, I am sorry that you are struggling in your friendship, Have you ever just spoken to your friend about how your friendship works? The reason I ask is because its difficult for someone to be available to another all the time so being patient with eachother is a must, we have our friends and we have our lives outside of our friends and that is ok however it is also ok to communicate that you struggle with that feeling of abandonment when your friend is not in contact, let them know that this is how you feel and perhaps you can come to an agreement to stop that from happening. relationships all have to be balanced and that comes with communication. See what you can do. Best of luck. x

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So hard to feel like expectations are not adjusted on both ends, that you care about someone and appreciate them but don’t get to connect with them as much as you’d like to. From what you have shared, it sounds like this is likely to be out of habit - not using her phone - and not intentionally malicious or meant to hurt you, but it does hurt as a result, and that is completely understandable. It feels as if you’re so willing to pour your heart into this friendship/relationship, but that there is no reciprocity at play - or at least, under specific circumstances only. It’s frustrating when it seems to be the same pattern repeating over and over. Through all of this, I hope you and her can have some time to discuss about this together. At many times, relationships require open communication even about how we communicate with one another, as misunderstandings or frustration can build up silently. Hopefully, with some clarification and proactive communication, you and her could find some middle ground in order to communicate in connect without having to change your habits too much, and for both to find joy in the relationship itself. :orange_heart: