I really feel the crushing weight of loneliness whenever I have zero conversation with anyone at school but constantly communicating with my Internet friends. Its hard because I really feel dissatisfaction with those relationships. I try to justify it as “it doesn’t matter” or “just accept that you’ll always be lonely.” I really hate this and I know no amount of ranting or advice from strangers online will help me. I just really wish I could escape this but I’m too scared of everything to do anything about it.
Thank you for reaching out. I get how you feel, I don’t really have any friends outside of this community and my gaming communities.
Is there a way you could find a club around you that with people who share your interests? You could start by talking to them just at that club and online. Then build it up from there. It’s terrifying I know, but, it only has to be one person… start from there. I mean… Maybe even join our discord if you haven’t. You might find someone lives near by you!
Hold fast
Let me tell you sometimes it is worse with people around you. You can even feel more alone when other people are around you.
I’ve been there and sometimes it feels that you are on the outside looking in. I think it is easier to connect to people online but at the same time we crave human interaction. Are there any clubs or activities at your school that might interest you or if maybe a church group? I think sometimes we try to connect with others but sometimes don’t know how or are scared of rejection. (Speaking personally here.) But if we don’t take the chance we may never know and it is better to say that we took that chance than to sit back and wonder. Keep hanging in there and know that you matter and that we are here for you.
Hey @Voxmyth,
Thank you so much for sharing this. I appreciate that you came to this community, an online community with this.
I definitely know this feeling. I have a lot of online friends and a lot of close friends that live miles away from me. It can be so hard to feel close to people when in reality they live so far away from you and you don’t feel like you have anyone near you that you are close to.
I am really introverted and its hard for me to put myself out there and initiate conversation with people I don’t know. But I have worked on that a lot and I have made so many friends just by putting myself out there. It honestly makes me uncomfortable, but then in the end i walk away having made a new friend a lot of the time, so maybe thats something you could try doing ay school.
Something else I would suggest is trying to get more plugged into this community here on the wall but also on the twitch stream/discord. More than likely there are people in this community that live near you, maybe you would be able to meet up and hang out with them?
Thank you so much for sharing, hold fast,
Hannah Presley
Thanks but no thanks. I specifically want connection because I’ve been isolated for months now and its what makes me feel like shit.
What’s the Discord? I would v much like to meet people and it seems easier like that.
@Voxmyth discoed is a chat service through twitch… honestly I’m really bad at using it, but I’m trying to get more into it because I know a lot of people from our community use it.
I am just stating that there is a difference between being alone and lonely. I understand you want friends or a lover. I hope that you do find what you’re looking for. Just make sure that what you get are quality friends. There is a major difference between a friend that honestly cares about you and a friend that just is a friend because they’re lonely.
The difference happens as soon as something major happens to you or someone they end up caring about appears. The fake friend You will find yourself talking to yourself when they’re there with you. I mean you’re talking to them yet they act like they don’t hear you.
When someone dies in your life sure they may give their condolences yet they won’t talk with you or make sure that you’re truly alright.
Matter of fact, it is all onesided. You’re reaching out to them. You’re making time for them, comfort them and aid them. Yet while you’re being generous & being the best help you could. When it is time you need what they needed they’re nowhere to be found or busy.
So there is a huge significance between being alone and lonely. A huge difference between a true friend and a fake friend.