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Belongs to: I am Worthy of Love #rammstein
I mean you’re objectively wrong. Currently in high school and I am the most hateable person there.
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: I am Worthy of Love #rammstein
I mean you’re objectively wrong. Currently in high school and I am the most hateable person there.
One thing to remember about high school is that it’s full of teenagers. I say that with absolutely no snarky or pretentious intent. Those years are really turbulent times physically and psychologically. Not only is your body changing but your mind as well. I don’t remember where I learned this, but I believe that the Romans basically considered people of that age “insane” until they hit their 20s or so.
Take this as an extreme/silly example. If a friend of yours had a broken arm, would you expect them to be able to do the house chores? Probably not. Maybe a little, but probably not well or easily. That’s an extreme example of what’s going on in every teenager’s brain. You’re not hateable, your peers just aren’t in the best situation in life to appreciate you as well as you deserve.
I’m so sorry you feel this way. High school can really be a hard time, especially when it feels like you’re being judged and misunderstood by others. It’s so hard so see your own worth when it feels like everyone’s against you, but this does not mean that the thoughts they project are true. Sometimes, the way people treat us has to do with their own issues, it is not a reflection of who you are. It can be so hard and isolating to feel disliked but please remember high school is but one part of your life, it does not define you. You have so much ahead of you and there are people out there who will appreciate you for who you are.