I might have anxiety but i don't want to get tested

last week, my stomach kept hurting after i got to school. i just thought it was cramps because i kind of ran before. but it lasted until 4th hour so i called my mother and she came to pick me up. it stopped when i got home but i didn’t tell that to anyone. so the next day, i told my family i was sick again so i couldn’t go. i’m so lucky my mother believed me because the weekend before, i was kind of sick and had a stuffy nose. my stomach didn’t hurt that day when i wasn’t home either. but when i got back to school, it started hurting again. i just thought it would be fine and stayed for after school sports. i didn’t have stomach problems until today. 30 minutes ago, my mother yelled at me for using my phone. i was so angry about something. now my stomach hurts. i searched up for any answers and heres what i found.

but, i don’t want to take any tests because i know my parents would just avoid that topic. i am currently thinking to actually listen to my mother’s opinion tonight once i ask her if i can.

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Hey sometimes.emo,

I’m really glad you reached out and shared your experience. It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot, and I’m sorry your stomach pain has been so persistent. It’s not unusual for stress, anxiety, and worry to cause physical symptoms like stomach aches, as the information you found mentions. It’s understandable that this discomfort would affect you at school and during sports.

It’s understandable to feel hesitant about taking tests if you’re worried your parents might avoid the topic. Sometimes, though, simply sharing how you’re feeling with your mom or another trusted person could be helpful. They might not be fully aware of the impact stress is having on you.

Listening to your mom’s opinion tonight could be a good step if she’s someone who understands your needs. Maybe describe when the stomach pain started and what triggers it, and emphasize that you’re seeking some guidance. Even just talking through your concerns could offer a bit of relief and help find a solution together.

In the meantime, see if you can focus on small ways to reduce stress and make yourself feel more comfortable. Deep breathing, listening to calming music, or taking a quiet walk might help ease your mind and body. Be patient with yourself through this process, and don’t hesitate to reach out to others if you need extra support. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s important.


Hey @sometimes.emo!

Just to kinda add on to what @GaryYounOG said, when it comes to what you found, it’s one of those things where you have to find a correlation/causation effect. It’ll be beneficial to listen to your mom and see what she says, but at the same time also expressing your concerns. I’d even start off by seeing a doctor, so they can at least check you out and see what’s going on. They can always put in a referral for you for someone like a psych, therapist and gastroenterologist. Just for background, i’m someone that suffers from PTSD, anxiety and depression, but also have a GI disease called Crohn’s disease. There DEFINITELY is correlation, and when my anxiety would get out of control, that’s when I knew I was gonna have a Crohn’s flare up. But the reverse would happen too. Balancing the two and getting both under control is going to be key, and that’s something you should definitely bring up as well.

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Hey Sometimes.emo, I am sincerely sorry to hear that you are having issues with your stomach, I know that it can be a frightening thing not knowing whether it is due to a mental or physical condition. I hope that you can really have a heart- to- heart conversation with your parents regarding the things that you have been experiencing so that you can get the help you need.


Stress and anxiety are life consuming, and it makes so much sense to feel like your body and physical health have been affected by it. Somehow, when words are not enough, when emotions are intense to process, our body speaks in its own way and with its own “words”. I hope that you have found some relief since you’ve posted here. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your family doctor/general practitioner if the pain persists. It’s always valuable to receive some professional insights when we feel lost in the fog.

Sending much love your way. :heart: