I need help right now tried ending it all 2 days a

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Belongs to: HeartSupport
I need help right now…tried ending it all 2 days ago…hasn’t got much better😢 love these videos and my therapist sucks! No encouragement


Wow, I’m so sorry that you’ve found yourself at a place where suicide seems like the best option. I am very glad that it didn’t work and that you are still here, because without you, the world would be missing a wonderful, amazing, beautiful ray of sunshine. You make a difference in this world that truly matters. You truly matter.

I hope you can find encouragement here where your therapist falls short. I want to encourage you and let you know that no matter what you are going through, you are worthy of love. You are worthy of a better life, and I wholeheartedly believe that a better life is waiting for you. It may not happen immediately, and struggles will still appear, but life is going to get better for you. Don’t let suicide rob you of the wonderful life that is in store for you, and don’t let it rob the countless people who benefit from having you in their life of their joy.

Your life has impact, your life means something, and your life is worth living. I love you and appreciate you more than you know. Though we may not know each other, I know that I don’t want a world without you in it. The rains will subside, and what you are feeling now will soon be nothing but a distant memory. We are here for anything you need and we would love to speak more with you about what you are going through. You are loved and appreciated, and I’m so happy that this world has you in it.


Please never stop reaching out! The fact that your therapist sucks and you aren’t getting the encouragement you need from them is so disappointing. Do whatever you need to keep yourself alive. Whatever you do, don’t give up. You seem to be feeling like you’re at the end of your rope and and there aren’t any other options out there for relief besides leaving this life. That hopelessness is overwhelming. When I was in that place, what I needed to hear and know was that I wasn’t alone, that i was unconditionally loved no matter what I had done I felt shame around, and that I deserved to exist simply because I was meant to live. So I want to give you that message as well. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. Life works in cycles and this is a cycle of darkness… but everyday things change in some way. You can change this situation. In the meantime please do not give up. You are worth living and not just surviving but living and thriving in a beautiful live full of love and I believe that is possible for you. You are capable of so much love in your lifetime, please don’t end the sentence before it has the chance to get beautiful.

Please reach out to the 988 emergency crisis hotline if you get into the same mindset at 2 days ago. It’s a free hotline for anyone going through active suicidal ideation. We’re here for you! <3


Thank you for being so vulnerable, I’m so sorry to hear how much you’re hurting right now. Having an unhelpful therapist is such a struggle to face, you must be so frustrated. If you need to speak with someone urgently, you can always dial 1-800-273-8255 to be connected to a professional, the people who work there are some of the kindest and most loving people you will ever talk to.
I’m so glad that you are still here and still fighting, I’m so proud of you. We’re right here for you at HeartSupport to be with you at every step in your journey and give you help that will actually benefit you. We will help you overcome this darkness. Despite the thoughts you may be wrestling with you matter so greatly and have so much to offer to the world and others. You belong on this Earth and deserve all of the happiness that is waiting to be found. Please know you are not alone, we want more than anything to help you. I urge you to continue fighting and staying strong, you are so loved, more than you could ever imagine.


I’m really sorry you are struggling and that your therapist sucks.i totally get how frustrating that can be! I’m really glad that you reached out here because we care and believe wholeheartedly that there is hope for you! Im so glad you are here. This is a safe place and I encourage you to keep reaching out!


Thank you for calling out for help, that’s not easy to do. Depression is a heavy weight that many carry, but you are not alone. We hear you and we all truly love you. You are so much bigger and stronger than your struggles, I promise that this will not last. You matter and are loved by so many. There is so much life has to offer, just stay optimistic and keep looking for the good. One thing that has helped me when I struggle with depression, is going out in nature, and just being in the midst of it all. Nature has so many healing properties, and has always helped me with my mental space. I’m rooting for you, we all love you and we are here for you. Keep fighting my friend, shine your light in this dark world <3