I need the help especially from u just tried endin

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to People=Shit by Slipknot
I need the help especially from u just tried ending it all noone listening or understands and I’ve been fighting for constantly for connection :cry:

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Hello there,

I’m incredibly sorry about what you’re going through but please remember that you are ALWAYS loved and supported, especially by us. We’re here to listen, and hopefully guide you in the right direction on the path to recovery. If you feel comfortable, you can always join our forum or utilize the resources linked above and there will always be someone there willing to listen and offer support.

Keep fighting <3

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Hey there!

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch. I want you to know how much you matter and the value you bring to others around you. Although I may not fully understand everything you’re going through, I hear you, and I am here for you. I think it is so brave of you to reach out and share how you’re feeling that it is always the first step. I would really encourage you to try reaching out to another trusted adult or friend and to be vulnerable with them about how you are feeling. We are also always here to listen and support you with anything you need. You are important to us <3

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling, I want you to know that you are not alone and that you are deeply cared for no matter how difficult life may seem. I also want you to know that you are a valuable and worthy asset to this world, and we need your gift and contributions. Keep Going!

Hey friend,

Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing about what happened recently. For what it’s worth from a stranger on the other side of the world: I’m so very thankful that you are here today and chose to post about how life has been for you lately. I personally relate to how hard it can be to open up and find the right connections when you find yourself in a place of profound isolation, of being alone with your struggles. It’s so hard to feel like you are burning within and no one seems to see the flames, that their vision is filtered somehow and they never see YOU. You do your best to try to survive and cope with the fire but others don’t acknowledge or understand your efforts, and how painful it is for you.

I know this isn’t an immediate solution to what you are going through, although I want to share with you that I see you, I hear you, and I’m proud of you for trying, for being here still, for not giving up on yourself despite the despair you’ve been feeling. The pain is overwhelming and makes us feel like we’re all alone - but I want to assure you and reiterate that you are not alone right here. There is a community willing to listen, to encourage you, to walk through this crazy thing called life, especially during times when it feels like there’s no hope anymore. If you would like to share more of your story, you are welcome and invited to do so here. We’re in this together, friend. You matter so very much. :heart: