I need to hold together

I just need to hold together until my therapist appointment. Which is hours away. I don’t know if I’ll hold together. I feel so fragile. Like I’ll break at any moment. I just need to hold it all in. I hate this. I hate being like this. Just need to go a little longer. Just a little longer. I don’t know if I can go a little longer.


hey friend! Only a few hours you totally got this. Perhaps you can try journaling or taking it easy & watch a show until your appointment it will help:) if you dont mind me asking whats overwhelming you so much atm ? If venting here will help you feel better for a bit then by all means we wanna hear what you have to say. You are loved. Hold fast :slight_smile:


I’m at school and I have been trying to hold it together for a long time and I’m just at the breaking point. I’m trying so hard but feel like screaming. I feel like just self harming. I’m trying really hard not too.

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do you have any good classes coming up soon that can calm you down such as an art class? is there an understanding teacher you can go see or talk to ?


I’m in physics which I love but I’m still freaking out a bit. I don’t think I would the crouage to ask for a but of a break.

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is this your last period ? At least you are in a good class! im sorry you are freaking out still. I understand how that is.


No I have another period. I am really trying not to freak in away people can see. If I did that would be bad.

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Well I think if physics is something you really enjoy you should try and focus on class as much as you can now to try to calm down for your last class. if you are having a lot of feelings try to journal in a notebook you have on you or draw ( unless you fear getting in trouble.) if that doesnt work Id let a teacher know that you arent feeling well even if its scary


Okay I will. Thank you for helping me.


of course! I hope you feel better:)


Hey @Paladine ,

Thinking of you.

I hope your appointment was okay.

You’re strong. We’re all proud of you here for taking care of yourself and reaching out as you do. :hrtlegolove:

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