I never cheated my girlfriend so i cheated myself

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I never cheated my girlfriend. So i cheated myself cause i thought she shouldn’t be with someone like me. My self hate destroyed me so much. And even though im better the voice of self hate finds its way to sneak in.


thank you for opening up about the self-hate you experience. that’s such a difficult feeling to endure and the voices are far from silent when it comes to weighing us further down. i’m sorry you’re going through this and how it’s affected your relationships. i’m glad you’ve noticed yourself get better from all of this; your continued growth and healing is the goal! wishing you all the best as you continue to silence that voice of self-hate by repeating truths of your infinite value and worth.

Hi friend,
I think that embarking on a journey of self-love and truly finding yourself may be beneficial before getting into a relationship. Learning how to believe in yourself and be confident with what you bring to the table will greatly help in future relationships. I’m proud of you for getting better and working towards self-love. The journey is definitely not easy. But I believe in you, and I believe you can get to that point very soon. Best of luck on your journey.

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Hi friend. Im sorry to hear about the situation with your previous relationship. It takes courage to open up. I want to commend you for making progress. Starting can often be the hardest part. People always speak about a negative snowball effect that can happen when someones life goes wrong. People rarely mention the positive snowball effect that exists when people start improving themselves. Stay on the same path you’re on now and I hope you start experiencing that positive snowball effect soon. Sending love.

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Hi there,
Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. As the saying goes, “we are our own biggest critic.”. We pick ourselves apart, criticize anything possible, and find it hard to believe when good things happen to us. This is a universal feeling many can relate to. It’s not easy to have a negative voice in the back of your mind that you wish wasn’t there. Self-awareness is the first step to improving any aspect of your life. Pouring love and energy into yourself and your interests is the best way to get rid of this voice. I want to encourage you to try a new hobby, try to meet new people, or teach yourself a new skill. You matter, and you have so much to offer. Please be kind to yourself. I hope you come across something or someone that makes you smile! Sending love and hugs. We are here to support in any way possible. <3

Yea, it is so hard to be in the grip of learning to love and care for yourself. To see value in you enough to not have to deal with urges and patterns of self-destruction. Fundamentally, it can be one of the most arduous yet life-changing journey, and it makes sense that you’ve been experiencing highs and lows through it. It’s like riding ocean waves that come at you, and you are trying to find the way to swim that will allow you to float and be at peace without surrendering to a force that would work against you and against your safety. Through what you share here, it also shows how much you have grown while walking on your own path. You are not the person who was immediately leaning towards self-destruction - you are now on the passenger side, with more perspective, understanding and a different outlook on what happened and the reasons behind it. This level of self-awareness is very strong, and it will turn out to become more and more an asset in learning to give yourself the grace and love you’ve always deserved. You will get there, friend - step by step. :heart: