I only ever heard this song once its like a mental

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
i only ever heard this song once its like a mental challenge for me to even prepare myself to hear it this time and it will probably be the last time i hear it because its just so hard to not break down crying how much i feel his pain,ive been through this shit and its like a trigger to me yknow,the first person i ever told was my mother.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Everyone has a different reaction when they listened to sad or happy music. I met a few people that loved to listen sad songs when they are joyful. I loved to listen some sad music depends on my mood & situation. People just want to cry sometimes so they listen to sad music. Crying is totally normal & healthy. You aren’t always going to be happy like 24/7. There are bad days that you might suffer so you need to cry.

There are a few songs that I can’t listen to because it reminds me something painful in the past. It’s okay to not listen something that makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s good for your mother to support you when a song is challenging to listen. If you ever listen to sad song and it makes you depress, I will recommend to switch immediately to an upbeat song that you like.

It must be for sure very difficult and painful for you to listen to the song. It is such a brutal, honest and strong depiction of how it feels to be sexually abused and it is so relatable when you have been through this yourself.

Music really has this power of giving us a voice when it feels like we completely lost it to the pain we were forced to endure. But sometimes it also reopens wounds in us that feel so very raw and so very vivid at the same time. It’s cathartic but it also brings back so many painful memories. It’s honestly okay if you feel like you can’t or shouldn’t listen to this song anymore, especially if it brings more pain than healing to you.

You have been through something that no one should ever go through and healing from it, feeling like you can feel safe again, can be such a long and slow journey. You are absolutely allowed to cry if you feel like you need to or to scream if the sense of injustice feels very strong in your heart. I have been myself through these rollercoasters of emotions over and over and I couldn’t listen to this song because of the pain it reminds me of. It’s okay to listen to ourselves when we need it and to not force things that would be too triggering or too hurtful in know life.

Ever sinc, this happened to you, you have survived as best as you can and that is something to be absolutely proud of. I’m personally so proud that you are here today, that you share about what happened and how it makes you feel. And even more proud that you reached out to your mother at the time. That was very brave of you because that’s a freaking scary step to take, especially when we were young. You shared your truth, you stood up for yourself, you made sure that your voice could be heard, which was fundamental.

I hope you can see the strength in you and how much this paint does not define you. It is very real, very present, yet there is so much more in you that speaks about your courage, your perseverance, and your resilience as a human being.

Thank you so much for being here and for sharing about how this song resonates with you personally. Your voice matters.