I still have flashbacks from my childhood lots lf

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Belongs to: Therapist is Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park
I still have flashbacks from my childhood. Lots lf trauma. I sometimes dont know what to do

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Hi Friend,

Thank you for opening up about this. I’m sorry for everything it is that you experienced in your childhood, and for all the trauma it has caused you that you now have to deal with and unpack. No child should have to carry a weight that heavy. And no child would know what to do with it. And that grows with you as you age. So I can understand how you feel, the uncertainty, the confusion, the helplessness, the wanting to okay but not knowing how, what to do, or even just where to start. It can make the healing process seem so impossible and being/feeling okay or good seem unattainable. It can bury you, suffocate you, steal your air and leave you gasping desperately for a solution that seems so far out of reach.

Reading the lyrics to this song, I can get a sense for how you must be feeling. Why is it always me? How can you overcome one trauma when other battles keep coming your way and leaving more baggage for you to sift through. How can you even keep up when it is one thing after the other. It doesn’t allow you to catch your breath, it doesn’t allow your heart mend and the next thing you know, one day, your world is full of pain and hurt and you don’t know where to put it, how to get rid of it, how to live with it. All you know is you want it to stop.

I am so sorry for the pain that you feel and for the hurt that others have caused you. I’m sorry that t is still so vivid for you with the flashbacks that you experience. I don’t need to know the details of your story to know that what you experienced is not anything that any child should have to go through or overcome. And how hard it must make things if life seems so unbearably difficult when you are just a child, then what could the future possibly have in store for you? How can it get better?

I’m just stopping by to let you know that you are seen, you are heard, you are understood, and you are not alone. Healing and overcoming trauma is something that we as species struggles with so much, because it is definitely not easy. I want to let you know that it is okay to not know what to do or how to go about things and to encourage you to keep trying anyways. To keep finding ways to reach out, to find ways to seek support, to keep fighting for to attain the healing that you deserve. It is always hard to see where to go and what direction to go in when we are stuck in a dark tunnel, but with one small step at a time eventually we end up at the other side by the exit. I am rooting for you, that you can one day be alright :white_heart:

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