I struggle so bad and have for a long time this so

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
I struggle so bad and have for a long time, this song resonates with me on a different level. Hopeless isolated despair waiting for the lights to go out

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Good morning my friend. Im glad that our appreciation for music was able to sort of put us in the same place today. I really am glad to have a moment to share with you and share some of your burdens. I hope we can lighten the load a little bit.

You mentioned hopeless isolated despair - i wont pretend to know what’s going on. But do you want to talk about it a little bit? Do you want to get anything more off your chest?

I imagine that when you’re feeling that low and as you say, “waiting for the end”, I imagine life just feels like going through the motions. I could imagine a world of no highs. Just lows. Just caught in the cycle. Hurting.

I am so sorry my friend. Truly. I have had emotions that I feel are very similar before. Ive felt at the end of my rope. Trapped in a cycle. Looking ahead and saying “what’s the point, I can’t change anything”

Maybe you’ve felt similarly before?

I want to say that, in my life, I was wrong. I was hurting so much that I couldn’t see the path forward. And when I did see it, I didnt really want to walk it. How could I when I had such little energy? When I was so beaten down…

But I eventually did get help. I went to therapy, several times honestly. And while some of the therapists didnt click with me, i found one who did.

And it was a lot of work. Work that, had my circumstances in life been different, I wouldnt have had to do. But that isnt for me to decide I suppose. Years and years later, Im not cured. But the hardest days are just that. Hard days.

I sincerely hope that you’re safe. That you’re ok. I know it may be cliche but you deserve love. And you deserve happiness and kindness. You deserve to keep going and to enjoy the time you have. Whatever that means for you. I’d like to encourage you to seek help - though I know help is a privilege.

Dont hesitate for a second to reach out. To post here. We want to support you and comfort you.

Because you’re worth it, friend.

Hold fast, ok?

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Hi friend,

I am so proud of you for taking the step to reach out to HeartSupport and be vulnerable with others - we hear you, see you, and value you. You are doing so well on this wild life journey, even if it might not feel that way. I’m glad you found peace and something to relate with during this hard time through music. It is such an amazing tool that can really help us process our feelings and express ourselves without relying solely on verbal conversations with others.

I am so sorry to hear all this pain and strife that you are facing right now and have faced for so long. I understand how draining and excruciating that cycle feels. It is heartbreaking to see how many people feel this way - this sense of emptiness, hopelessness and solitude with no end in sight. I know this feeling all too well, wanting to just give up and stop trying when it feels like no matter what you do nothing improves. It is a battle with life and with you inner demons. But it’s a battle worth fighting.

I know it might feel hopeless now and like there may be some peace and content in just being done with everything that life hands over to us - feeling the sweet release of closing our eyes and not having to wake up and face reality. But it’s not too late to regain that hope and joy. I am not exactly sure how you are feeling or what your situation is, but maybe finding a group of people close to you who are dealing with similar struggles can help you find a community to relate to and support each other through. Perhaps talking to a professional or even expressing yourself through more use of music could be beneficial tools.

I believe in you in this journey - you are the ultimate expert on yourself and I know that you have all the tools and skills to get back on track with your hope and joy in this world. Try to take it all day by day and focus on the things that make you happy - even if it’s something small like a good snack or a hug from a loved one. It’s been so helpful to me to really stay present in the good moments and try to focus on the positives in life. It’s helped to look into the future knowing there will be highs and lows - but to prepared for those hard times and really appreciate when those good moments come along. It might be helpful to practice stopping self-blame, or blame of any one particular thing, and focus more on je broad context and situation which can be improved in so many ways - and will in time.

Stay strong friend. You’ve got this! We all believe in you, hear you, and are here to support you whenever you need - until you get right back up on that horse. Take care :slight_smile: