I struggle with alcoholism as well as one other su

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I struggle with alcoholism as well as one other substance I won’t mention here. Just recently started fighting it and it doesn’t work every single day but it’s definitely a start in asking myself “what do I want besides being intoxicated”?_


I’m really sorry that you struggle with alcoholism. I never got to meet my grandfather because of his struggles and subsequent death to alcoholism- the power that a drink can have is terrifying. I wanted to say that I am so proud of you for taking your first steps into sobriety. Though it may not work everyday, and you may not see perfection right now, I want to encourage you that you are taking the correct steps and working toward a better future for yourself and those around you.

I know that this battle for freedom will be hard, but I truly do believe that you have everything it takes to win. With asking the question “what do I want besides being intoxicated”, you are doing an amazing job of digging down to the root of the addiction. Finding the source of that addiction will help you uproot it all together and is going to set you up for an amazing future of sobriety. I believe in you and am very proud of the steps you are taking. If you ever need to talk more, we at HeartSupport are always here for you. God bless!

hey friend! first off, thank you for opening up about your experience with alcohol and other substances. it’s one hell of a battle when you’re facing alcoholism and the battle continues when you begin the journey to fight it. by you simply asking that question to yourself of “what do I want besides being intoxicated” is a huge step forward. proud of you for that. sure, there will be some blunders along the way but your commitment and perseverance, whether it’s about recovery or any goal you pursue, will take you to the finish line. i truly believe that and i believe in you. hope to hear any updates in the future!


Hi!! The feeling of not knowing what you want or the aspect of being lost after alcohol has been such a big part of your life is definitely challenging. I think we all go through certain periods in life where we feel that way in regard to a variety of different things. I believe in you, and I believe you can get through this, even if it’s not perfect every day. You have started to make an attempt to change something that is negatively impacting your life, and that itself is a victory.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Yes! Huge yes! It is a very strong start indeed. And on top of it, you have acknowledged the problem firsthand. You came out of potential denial or refusal to see the issue, which is also a very strong step in itself. A lot of people stay stuck in not wanting to face the fact that there are substances or addictions that are taking over their ability to decide for the themselves, and that have real consequences on their life. You can remain stuck in this type of pattern and in a state of avoidance for a very long time, if not your entire life. But you’ve walked to the other side of it and are now also seeing the situation as a whole, with a different/more external perspective.

Then the question you ask yourself is a very strong one because when it comes to addictions we usually try to fill something within us and avoid feeling things we are not ready to come to terms with. But you are sitting with yourself, taking a pause, and are actively trying to meet your heart at a deeper level, one that could be otherwise hidden by alcohol and this other substance. You are trying to look and see beyond the addictions, which is not only strong but also courageous of you. It may not be visible to most people but this is definitely a very important battle that you are leading, one that will ultimately lead you to learn to be at peace with yourself, and fulfill it in your heart.

You can be proud of yourself for your awareness, and for the steps you are taking in order to defeat these addictions. You are forging a path of healing through yourself. I am for sure very proud of you and what you are doing right now. You absolutely deserve a life free of these substances, a life in which you will feel peace and fulfillment in what you do and for who you are. I believe in you. You got this.