It’s been days since I’ve felt something good. I just don’t want to exist anymore. I feel constantly alone and unappreciated, I don’t know if it’s worth living anymore. Everything’s great work-wise, but I can’t seem to work everything else out. I just want to have friends near me who want to spend time with me, or just a girl who loves me…I don’t need anything special…
I’m sorry you are not doing well. I have been feeling similar as you. I can’t advise you if I don’t apply the advice to myself. Thank you for being honest. This forum is open when you want to rant.
Get a pet. It might not be the “friend” you are implying. They are friends & family. Depending on the animal they’ll be there for you no matter what.
@frapioggia Hey I’m Morgan a Intern at Heartsupport sorry you feel alone and unappreciated. I want to encourage you to know that here you a not alone, appreciated, and up most important you are loved. I moved to a new city 2 years ago it a long time to make friends and until now I can really say I have close friends here. It takes time. That feel of just one friend goes a long way. Know that you are not alone and being prayed for. Love you.