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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling Away From Me By KORN
I tried running away as a kid a couple of times. Sadly, running away as an adult has felt a lot more enticing. I’m sick of being a wage slave without hope of a better life.
Not sure what you are running away from, but so far, I am all for it, if you can escape freely with important ties. Man, currently if you are feeling like a “wage” slave, can you find a way to break from that chain? Because breaking free is the first step to lifting the weight off your shoulder.
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Hey, I saw your post and I understand your situation, sounds like you feel like the hamster running on the wheel, working hard for the man to make them more money. You are not alone. I hear you and want you to know better days are ahead and if there is any way to tap into your skills and creativity to find a job that gets you excited and more hopeful, go for it. Change can be scary but sometimes it is absolutely what we need to get out of a rut and grow. Good luck moving forward, one day at a time.
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Hello friend!
I wouldn’t necessarily call it running away as an adult. Sometimes we just need a change! I’ve been that person that has constantly changed things in their lives, whether it be where I lived, where I worked, etc. I HATED being complacent somewhere. Because I never learned anything then. I was just going through the motions. But change is always a constant, and it can be scary, but as long as at the end of the day we can come home, and be happy with what we’re doing, that’s what matters <3
Thank you guys! I’m thinking I do need to make some changes. A different career field and maybe even location. My pervious job had me traveling all over while my current one is a static location. I didn’t even think about how that would be an issue before, but now it kind of makes sense. I enjoyed going all over the place a lot more than the same place everyday.
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