I ve been having trouble with keeping positive and

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Belongs to: Sometimes every day is a struggle can you relate t
I’ve been having trouble with keeping positive and focused on the future for the last month or so and feel like a failure. Thanks for sharing and giving me some perspective.

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So relatable.

It’s really hard when you have this gnawing voice in the back of your head that tells you that you’re messing it all up all the time. That whatever you do isn’t good enough. That you won’t amount to whatever you expect yourself to amount to. That you’re just…a disappointment. That’s a really hard pill to swallow. Especially when you have your daily (or multi-daily) dose of that discouragement.

And when you can’t seem to shake it…it’s uniquely eroding on your sense of resolve. It’s like it knows EXAAAACTLY how to wear you down and beat you up.

I have a similarly discouraging inner critic. And living with it can suck reeeeal hard. Just faced him today, so I guess it’s current for me too.

And when you compound that with the looming hopelessness about your future…that’s a dangerous concoction.

I think it’s particularly noble of you to share about that here because in the face of discouragement / shame and hopelessness, this is a rare act of defiance…to say I CHOOSE hope. I CHOOSE to talk about this. I CHOOSE to share, even if it could lead to more discouragement. That kind of vulnerability changes things, because it says to that inner critic - I actually am worthy of love whether you think so or not. And I agree with you. You are worthy of love. And while we’re righting the inner critic: you are not a failure. Whatever evidence it may point to, it’s not the end of your story. And you are choosing to overcome this low, and you will make it through this difficult season. And when you do, you’ll look back and see these kinds of moments as heroic turns towards a brighter chapter.

Well done.