I-ve-been-in-a-really-tough-spot-mentally-feeling - 2582

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I’ve been in a really tough spot mentally. Feeling hopeless, unmotivated, brain feels foggy, a lot of self doubt and irrational thoughts, even thoughts of s*icide. Thankfully I’ve learned coping mechanisms through therapy that are helping me stay away from the ledge. Just pushing through this valley right now.


I think one of the most important understandings that you demonstrate is the realization that you are currently in a “valley” that you are pushing through. That means that you understand that you won’t always be in the valley.

@itscoozie You got this, friend. This is without a doubt a deep and painful season in your life right now, but you will make it through and keep shining brightly. One day, you will look back to this time of your life and see how much you have grown through it, how much resilience you’ve built, how much strength you’ve gathered - and that all of it are gains that will keep being a part of you no matter what. You matter so very much and have so much to give and receive in this world - even when your mind tries to convince you otherwise. Keep moving forward, friend. Keep seeking help/support as much as you need - that is 100% okay. I believe in you.< 3

@micro.mtn thank you so much. I needed to hear this.

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@heartsupport thank you so much!!