I-ve-been-really-struggling-with-the-loss-of-my-au - 2574

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I’ve been really struggling with the loss of my aunt. She passed very suddenly a few years ago just a few days before my birthday. My birthday is on July 23rd and every year it feels weird to celebrate without her here. She was a positive light in this world and I miss her so much.

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@jodesza You aunt must have been such an incredible person, and there is no doubt that she has impacted your life beautifully given the love that is present through your words here. I of course don’t know you or her, but it truly is an honor to hear about her through your message today. It’s a beautiful way to share her voice, and I hope that you will keep doing it as much as you need - it’s a special gift to offer this world but to share the voice of those who are not present anymore. I can also only imagine how hard it is to have her day of passing being now associated to your birthday. My brother, who passed away a couple of years ago, passed away the day of my sister’s husband birthday. I know it has become since then a very bittersweet celebration. On one side we want to celebrate life, and on the other side we can feel guilty because of it, or conflicted between the things we think we should feel under such circumstances. It’s a heartbreaking experience. Hopefully, with time, it will be possible for you to own this special day that is your birthday again, while also honoring your aunt’s memory in a way that feels meaningful to you. It’s okay if it’s not now. It’s okay if it takes time, even years, to figure these things out. One step at a time, always. <3