I ve been sexual abused by both my brother and sis

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I’ve been sexual abused by both my brother and sister over the time I told my mom she didn’t believe nor my dad she finally believe of what my brother did but my sister won’t let no one know she said keep it quiet or else till this day she denies it and I was there see I feel sorry for all the people that get raped or molested as a child by anyone that’s a lot older than them that’s not right no offenses look at the Catholics the priest raping both alter boys and girls they keep it a secret my god that’s not right hurting children so innocent


Hello. I’m sorry that you have had to experience these things, especially from family members. I want you to know that I think that you have every right to speak up and advocate for yourself ,and what you have been through. You should not feel wrong for this. I hope your day today is going okay, and if you ever need to share more. Feel free to do so. <3

Hi There,

I am very sorry to hear that you had to experience this. You deserve to feel safe around your family and the people who should be closest to you. They have let you down, and I hope you continue to share your story no matter what other people say. I hope you encounter someone or something that makes you smile today. You deserve happiness and joy. We are always here for you if you would like to share more or need more support. <3

It’s absolutely not right to hurt children, to take advantage of them and of their innocence in order to abuse them. You are absolutely right - it’s infuriating to know that it happens so often, and that on top of it silence often remains to protect the abusers. When you have known that type of trauma yourself, it shatters your heart to pieces to hear other people’s stories and sexual trauma. It shouldn’t be that way - it shouldn’t happen, and the ones that hurt children shouldn’t be protected by others denial or fear.

I’m really sorry that it happened to you and you were not believed entirely when you talked about it. I’ve been sexually abused as a child and can only imagine how painful it must be for you to have your own family doing this to you. When you are just a child, you can’t expect or imagine for your very own family to become a place where you would be hurt and unsafe all the time. Family should be our very first refuge, especially in light of how wild the world and life can be.You have experienced a betrayal that doesn’t say it’s name. It must have been so heartbreaking, confusing and scary for the child you were to be in this position.

Despite what happened, you have still manifested so much courage and bravery by reaching out and letting your mother know about it. It takes so much efforts and energy to get to this point. Speaking out is so scary and intimidating, especially at such a young age. I remember that, for me, it took quite some time before I started to talk about what happened to my mom, and unfortunately she didn’t believe me either. It’s hard to look back and see our little selves being shut down and facing the denial of people who were adults at the time. It’s brutal to see your mom not believing you, or only partially, when you share something so important. Denial can be such a strong force that devastates everything and everyone around. When you see it happening in front of your eyes, it feels like there is no safe place or people to go to anymore - and that is such a hard pill to swallow when you are just a young kid.

My heart goes out to you. May you find peace and healing, and keep standing up for yourself whenever that is necessary. :heart:

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