I-ve-been-struggling-with-the-loss-of-my-high-scho - 2675

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I’ve been struggling with the loss of my high school best friend. It’s been 8 years, but it happened in august so this month always brings memories back up. He was the first person I came out to as trans and the first person to fully support me in that, and I still try my best to make others feel welcome in the way that he did

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@drake_draws_ ugh anniversaries are always tough. There is something about the perfect comobonation of the same season, date and mental markers that bring all of that grief right back to the surface. It sounds like your friend was a huge support to you, when others weren’t and I imagine that makes the loss feel even heavier. Grief isn’t linear it ebbs and flows and it sounds like August brings up new grief for you. I really love what you said about trying to honor him by always making others feel welcome. That’s such a beautiful way to allow him to live on and for you to stay connected to him. Sending you love as you continue to process through. Thank you for sharing here :black_heart: - taylor

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Your friend must have been quite a wonderful, trustworthy person to you. It is so beautiful and so special to have someone in our life that we feel safe with - and it was so wonderful of you to come out to him as trans. I’m so thankful that you found such a caring, loving presence in him. These is for sure a very special bonds and type of friendship there, one that is absolutely unique and irreplacable.

I can only imagine how heartbreaking it’s been process his loss. People who impact us so beautifully, who somehow radiate love around them, leave us with a very special void once they are gone. And as you are facing this anniversary, it makes completely sense to feel like you are brought back to this pain again. 8 years may seem like a lot, but when you are the person grieving, it can also feel like it happened just yesterday, regardless of how much time has passed. This month will be my big brother’s anniversary, and each year feels like a renewed challenge of feeling the pain yet also honoring his memory. During those times, it can be really challenging to give ourselves all the time and space we need to welcome whatever emotion may come - sadness, anger, nostalgia, hope - all is valid.

We’re now at the beginning of September, and I hope that looking back, you can be proud of yourself for not only making it through this anniversary, but also for pursuing in honoring your friend’s memory. The love he gave you was a special gift, and there is nothing more beautiful that to keep this legacy alive. Through your own care, you are sharing his voice and who he was, and that is something that not even death would ever take away from you.

May you keep moving forward towards acceptance, love, and honoring his memory in ways that are very meaningful to you. It is an honor to somehow get to know a little bit of him through your message here, a little bit of you at the same time. You are continuing his legacy. Thank you so much for sharing. Take good care of yourself, of your heart, and keep being you - it’s all this world needs. <3