I-ve-been-to-multiple-drs-over-the-last-few-months - 1356

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I’ve been to multiple drs over the last few months and told them I felt like unaliving myself. They did nothing. Asked for a referral. Nope. Nothing. You get to die.


That’s so hard and feels very careless on behalf of the drs, I do hope that you don’t give up. I know it’s so hard, maybe I could suggest going into emergency and expressing that you’re in a crisis situation? Gosh, I really am sorry and my heart goes out to you.


I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to get anyone to listen to you. We hear you. Have you thought about finding a therapist on your own? Good luck, friend :hrtlegolove:


Hi friend,
thank you for reaching out. i am so sorry that you made this experience with difference drs, and i hope you will the right one that can help you. talking about that with a therapist or considering that would be an option ?
a crisis resource line would also be a help.
you are loved, never forget that and you matter most :purple_heart:
feel hugged


I’m so sorry that your voice isn’t being heard by professionals who are supposed to care for you. Something I learned in my own journey is that we are always our own best advocates. I hope that you’ll keep trying to get to the right person. You are worth that effort. Life is worth that effort.


I’m so sorry that you have been unable to find a doctor who has heard what you are saying. You deserve to be heard, to be taken seriously. You matter my friend and finding the help you need to fight back against addiction, against depression, against the pain of trauma is my wish for you. I’m adding the link to the crisis resource center for you at the Heart Support website in hopes that there is something there that helps. Thank you for coming in and sharing.


Hi Friend, thank you for your comment, I am not certain where you are but that is incredibly bad practice. You absolutely need to some support so thank you for opening your heart here, I would encourage you to firstly keep trying other doctors and make it very clear how you are feeling (im not saying you are not being clear but something is very wrong is they don’t understand the danger in what you are saying) secondly if you can find a therapist beyond or without a referral then try that.
Friend your life is worth living, you are a valuable and worthwhile human who deserves to be listened to and helped, you can post here at heartsupport as often as you need and we will be here for you. I truly hope that you get the help you need. You are loved. Lisa x


@heartsupport I did go into emergency. They have me a disorder and a pamphlet and sent me on my way.

@heartsupport I drove to different town even to find a family physician and he just treated me like shit and sent me away. He even changed it to a walk in appt instead of a consult so that he didn’t have to prescribe anything to me. My kids and wife are watching me die.

I am so very sorry that you’re going through this. That’s so frustrating and really heartbreaking to know that you’re not getting the care that you deserve. @Mamadien posted a great resource that HeartSupport has put together. I hope that you’ll find your countries crisis resources on this list and give those options a try. Your life is so important and you are truly loved and valued by this community. I really hope that you’ll keep us updated. https://www.heartsupport.com/crisis-resources