I ve felt this heaviness in my chest and it s even

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
I’ve felt this heaviness in my chest and it’s even in my back and the rest of my body for so so long … because I feel so deeply … I feel so alone where I live. I beg for someone to hear me but it really just goes in one ear and out the other. … currently weaning myself off of duloxetine and SSRI … I smoke weed to help battle the pain and it’s like a breath of fresh air when I take a hit.


Hi friend,
I’m so sorry you feel like this. You deserve to feel heard and acknowledged. Maybe a change of place/location, could help you meet new people that you can relate to and that can help support you. Even if this is not possible physically, joining some online support groups is always an option. You are so strong for trying to wean yourself off; it is definitely not an easy thing to do. You are not alone, and I believe in you.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hi friend. Im sorry you’re going through this and heart support is here for you. You are heard and seen. I hope you can find the power to overcome your current struggles. If you’d like, there are online groups for almost any hobby. I understand location is an issue and I hope you can push through that but online groups are a good alternative if your physical location is not serving you. Sending love.

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thank you for being here and sharing what weighs heavenly on your heart and mind. loneliness is one of the hardest feelings to go through and i’m so sorry you are not being seen and heard. you deserve to be seen and heard so i feel this frustration right with you. you are also not alone in feeling the emotional heaviness around your body, it’s like your physically being weighed down to your knees. i get you 100% and wish you all the best as you taper off your previous meds. i hope you can do something kind for yourself soon btw since tapering off medication can be hard. you’re loved, valued, and seen - thank you again for your vulnerability here!

Hey there,
I am really sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. Thank you for being here and sharing your experience with us. You deserve to be heard, understood, and taken care of. Pouring love and care into yourself is one of the best ways to add some variance to your life. I want to encourage you to get a change of scenery, go to a new coffee shop, or take a walk in a nearby neighborhood. It’ll give you the chance to see something new and maybe even meet some new people. Going off medication is not an easy thing to do, so please be patient and kind with yourself. You have a whole community of people here at Heart Support that care and are here to support you in any way possible. You are strong and important. Sending love and hugs <3

Stopping SSRI can be a brutal experience. I’ve been through the withdrawals effects last year and it was a miserable place to be in. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling so much lately, friend. It’s understandable to go through a rough patch when your body is trying to adjust to this new change. You will get through this, one day at a time. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor and to rely on your loved ones. It’s okay to share how you feel as much as you need. Hopefully you will find some relief soon. I’m rooting for you. :heart: