I-ve-lost-my-mama-kim-three-years-ago-then-the-ver - 2570

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I’ve lost my Mama Kim three years ago then the very next year my father was diagnosed with brain cancer, he was my best friend watching him lose his cognitive ability and memory was the toughest thing for me to ever deal with… he was my hero, my best friend my confidant. He knew me more than I knew myself. What makes it more painful the only other man in my life who had a true hand in helping me grow was my big brother and he battled with depression and alcoholism… even though he promised we’re all we got an he will fight an stay strong I lost him 4 months after my father passed to alcoholism…. So now I’m the man of the house that’s left of my wife an son and mother…. Now I know to never take a second for granted with the loved ones who really were the impact on your life and the hands that kept you high. I’ve always was cherished time with my son and wife but now I’ve put the camera down a lot more and just trying to live in these moments ill never have again.

@bellyzboutique RIP mama Kim, Pops and Big Bro. Not a day goes by a memory doesn’t grace my mind an bring me tears of joy.

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Losing people who are so closed to us definitely sheds a new light on the way we apprehend time and life in general. You become so much more aware of the scarcity and preciousness of time, of how profound and valuable it is to have joyful moments and create strong memories with the ones we love. It makes hugs tighter, smiles more intense, and love deeper. What you describe is so relatable, and it’s such a beautiful way to try to make the best of tragic losses, of the pain it created in your heart. I’m so thankful that you are embracing the moments you have with your family. Being present and connected to others is priceless, and being confronted to death makes it even more real.

I’m also so very sorry for your losses. It sounds like you really had strong bonds in your family and you were accompanied by people who were really taking care of you. It’s so hard when someone you look up to disappears. It’s an entire part of your world that seems to fade away with them, and you are left with a love to carry for two. Your mama Kim, your father and your big brother were without any doubt very strong and inspiring individuals. It makes so much sense that they have impacted you, and that their absence has been so difficult to deal with.

Through what you have shared, there is absolutely no doubt that somehow they keep living on through you. Their presence, their voice, their care keeps radiating through the person you are and through the love you give. As heartbreaking and heavy that carrying this legacy can be, you are absolutely doing it in ways that are meaningful. Keep embracing the good moments, keep remembering and honoring the good memories too. For there is no matter of time or distance that would ever take that away from you. It is a part of who you are - and it will always be. Hold fast, friend.