I’ve reached my breaking point

I feel as I can’t do this anymore I can’t keep going on with life like this. I wake up almost everyday so depressed and tired. I put a fake smile on every morning and a fake happy attitude it gets tiring every day too do that. i honestly feel like i have no point in trying anymore. i just want to disappear from this world nobody would care or notice anyways so there is no point in trying anymore. i feel so alone and just lost.


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Adam787, we all go through those “I don’t make a difference” phases. It’s a dark and lonely path that our mind takes us down. It’s not true though, and that voice in our head is a horrible enemy at times.

I am doing a “smile and fake it until you make it” right now too. It is exhausting but I am doing it one day at a time and when I can’t do it for a day I will do it for just an hour. When that seems impossible it’s a minute by minute thing.

I am rooting for you!

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Hey, Adam. You are not alone. You matter. Please, don’t give up! We are here for you. I know it’s hard but please keep going! You are here for a reason. God created you with a purpose. I want to share a video with you. I hope it will help you https://youtu.be/L33djEEMEE8 it helps me when I’m lost.

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I’m so sorry my friend. I can relate to waking up feeling depressed and tired. Hating myself. I can relate to the fake smiles and know how exhausting it can be to always put on a mask for everyone.

Friend. You matter. Your life is important. I know sometimes life can be really difficult and throw obstacles at us that feel impossible to get over, but your life matters. You aren’t alone. So many here can relate to this struggle. You don’t have to be alone in it.

I hope that you can find peace within yourself friend and find the strength and courage to keep on fighting. It can get better. There is light in all of this darkness. We just have to latch onto the things that bring us happiness and joy. The things we feel passionate about.

I know when you are hurting it can be hard to feel passionate or motivated. But it’s important to try.

What are some things you hope and wish you could achieve? What are some things you would like to have and do in your life?

If you want to talk more about what’s going on friend, please don’t hesitate. Okay?

Much love

  • Kitty
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I’m sorry friend. Sorry that you have to deal with such difficult feelings and thoughts. This may be a dark season in your life but it’s not gonna be like this forever. I know those feelings too much. It hurts when you feel like you have to fake hapiness, like everything is just pointless in the end. Each day can seem to be a neverending battle and even the smallest things are exhausting.

That’s right: you can’t keep going on like this. Not because you won’t be able to handle this. - You are strong and we believe in you here, in your capacity to go through this. - But because it’s not a place where you’re meant to be. You don’t belong in this darkness. Those heavy feelings are difficult to deal with. But you only deserve the opposite of all of this. To be fulfilled by your life, to actually enjoy smiling and see how beautiful you are just by being you.

I’m sorry you feel alone right now. I promise you’re not and people here sincerely care about you. You already accomplished something wonderful by sharing here. It’s seriously is a great thing to do. And maybe from now the point to all of this would be for you to think about the steps you could take with the resources that you have right now to actually keep going, but on a different path. One that suits you entirely and leads you to the well-being that you need.

I hear you. But somehow you don’t want to disappear. You want this situation to change, you want to feel better. It’s absolutely understandable and it is possible. There is hope for you. You can do this, one day at a time.

Whatever the lies your mind might be telling you, please don’t forget that you matter.
Hold fast. :heart:

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