I ve struggled with depression ever since i was 11

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Belongs to: BMTH - Can You Feel My Heart - Therapist Reacts
i’ve struggled with depression ever since i was 11. i’m 18 now and it’s still hard, i attempted suicide at 14 and i have been in and out of mental hospitals for the past 5 years. this band saved my life and they don’t even know it. this song literally explained exactly how i feel and the emotions in oli’s voice really expressed exactly how much i was suffering.

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Hello friend,

I’m so glad you survived and you’re still here to share your story with us <3

You’re 100% right when it comes to the song too. Oli is a genius when it comes to invoking emotion in songs. And the way that he writes, it’s almost like he’s a voice for all of us that may not be able to vocalize what’s going on in their own lives so he becomes a voice of the voiceless. It’s something that is MUCH needed, especially now.

I did want to pulse check with you, how are you doing now? Has the suffering gone down or has it gone completely? I’m still so happy that you’re here, and that’s something that should definitely be celebrated <3

Depression is not good at all I hope your problems go away soon

Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I can relate to your situation about depression. How many times you went in and out of the hospital of 5 years. You are still made some progress trying to fight depression. It’s okay to be sad in certain periods of your life but you can’t be depress forever. Just think about a cloud and rain. Imagine if you have tiny cloud on top of your head, there is rain pouring (depression). I hate being cold when being wet. I wear glasses it’s hard to see due to the rain droplets.

I used to be harsh on myself at 18 years old but now I recognized it’s okay to be not okay. The song called “teenage dream” is when Olivia’s Rodrigo explains if things will better as an adult and scare of growing up. If I met her in real life, I will say things will be fine but focus on living the present. You can still improve and change thing at 18 years old. I hope someday you will be happy in the future.

@@HeartSupport it’s still a struggle every now and then but i’m getting there