I want help

I keep having suicidal thoughts. I’m on meds but I don’t think I’ll last much longer.

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Hey there friend. You are always welcome to talk about what is going on and try to see if that helps, however if you need them, I recommend using the resources we have at https://www.betterhelp.com/gethelpnow/

  • Yummerz
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Thanks, I live in another country and there are no hotlines listed for my country. But thanks for the effort

what country do you live in?

I live in Costa Rica

I am totally not sure how legit this site is, but there is a listing for Costa Rica that might be worth a shot? http://www.suicide.org/hotlines/international-suicide-hotlines.html

**edit: seeing that number on a lot of lists after some more research. Hope it helps you <3 you’re worth it.


im happy you posted i care about you and im sure other people do too. im sorry your having these thoughts but you will get through it i mean look how far you have made it your strong and cared about and if you wanna talk bout anything im here all the time so don’t worry it won’t take up my time or be a waste cuz i wanna help.

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Thanks, I’ll give them a call today

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Thank you, it has taking me forever to take this step and I’m so afraid, not only of what I can do but about the pain that I know I’ll put through to those around me but there’s days when I don’t know if all see the end of the day. I try to get distracted with my job and music certainly has saved my life many times over but there are moments when I feel I can’t go on, there are moments when I feel like there’s nothing to go on for and I’m so tired, I feel like such a fresk


Hi @PumpkingQueen - I really hope when you see this message you are feeling loved and supported by everyone here. You deserve to be heard, thank you for allowing us to support you. Your story does not have to end here.

Calling that number is really brave, and we would love to continue to be supportive and hear about your experience. If there is anything else we can do to support you, even if you just need to vent, we want to hear you. We love and appreciate you, hold fast.


Wow! Thank all for all the messages. I wish I would’ve known about you sooner, before all the pain and self harm. It feels really cool to know there’s someone out there willing to care. Thank to all of you. The number in my country has been disconnected but knowing there’s someone who cares feels really special


You are loved, and supported here <3

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I tried to kill myself 2 nights ago, took a bunch of pills. I am a mess