I want to be back at my old place

I’ve been on easter break and ive forgotten how much i hate this school. I did most of these subjects last year and the teachers are very slow at teaching. The kids are super annoying and just say slurs as jokes. I get good grades and i may not listen well but i always do good on tests but i always get babied and i HATE getting babied. One of the teachers said a slur while talking about their childhood in school and talking about things they dont like. I cant feel safe in my own shool or home because in lunch all the boys at my table said that they were homphibic and constantly make jokes about the LGBTQ+ and how trans people only transition to get a edge in sports and im not trans myself but i have trans friends in my old school and it hurts me hearing these jokes knowing if i ever called it out nobody would be on my side here. I just wish i still lived at my old place and had my old friends. I wish that people here werent so mean. I wish i could talk my family into going back to my old house. I wish for so much but for now they are only wishes.

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Hey @Mega_mind9,

It sounds like you’re in a really tough situation right now, and it’s totally valid to feel frustrated and even unsafe.

You mentioned getting good grades, so focus on that and building a strong academic record. This can be totally be your power in this situation and help you with future opportunities. Are there any classmates who share your values? Maybe you can connect with them and create a study group or just have someone to talk to during lunch. 100% though the homophobic comments and slurs are inappropriate. Depending on the school’s policies, you could report this to a counselor, principal, or another trusted adult anonymously.

You can’t change the behavior of others, but you can control your own actions and reactions. It can be tough, but focusing on the good things in your life and setting goals for the future can help you stay motivated.

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Hey Mega_mind9,
Change is a word that we all fear especially when that change includes a school filled with teachers and students who just do not understand you as a person nor do they share the same values and beliefs that you do. However, change can be a source for good if you surveillance the environment for all the good things for instance you make good grades without even paying attention and you love your friends no matter how they identify sexually both of these things indicate that you are a caring and loving person so, take this unwanted change and turn it into a positive experience. You got this Mega_mind9!

Hey @Mega_mind9,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It sounds like you have a lot going on. All of these things piling up can be very overwhelming. Unfortunately, the world is a scary place, and not everyone has the same morals and values as us. It must be very upsetting and uncomfortable to constantly hear people making mean jokes and saying inappropriate slurs. Is there any trusted teacher you could speak to about your concerns? These are serious issues and you should never feel unsafe at your own school. I am really happy to hear that you are doing so well in school, and I am sure if the issues were resolved, you would really enjoy school.

Change is really scary and I remember when I moved schools, I felt so unhappy and frustrated at the beginning. Once I accepted my new situation and tried to make the most of it, I discovered so many cool people and clubs that I would have never known about if I did not change my perspective. All in all, try to look at this new school as a new experience and opportunity to meet more people that you love and enjoy spending time with.

I hope you continue to use this as a safe space to vent, and I hope there is someone you can speak to in your school’s administration about this to have it resolved. Sending so much love, you’ve got this. <3