I want to die :)

I don’t think there is something more for me, my life its completely meaningless, I’m probably a hindrance to the only person I love.
Every day I wake up thinking about die soon, thats the only thing I think and deserve, all the things I try to do I do them bad, I dont have a job and I’m not studying, I’m a complete failure, I cannot even talk of this with my friends or familiars cause I dont have to courage to do it. I’m sorry for writing this cause its probably a shit, but I only needed to tell what I feel in case I kill myself.

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From kitkatwrites: I have been there. I promise you, you are not the only one who feels this way, and you are not a burden to your family. If you don’t have the energy for consistent employment right now and want to give back to the community, you can volunteer on good days. It’s what I do and it’s very rewarding. With all of this war and conflict going on more needless loss of life is the last thing the world needs. But it does need more compassion. And every little kind thing you do for someone else, even just smiling at a grocery store clerk, has that effect. You make more of a difference than you know. If you die, that would all go away.
I know you’ve probably heard it all before. But I had a friend who attempted and it was hell. I didn’t understand why he didn’t know all the little things he did made my day. He is an amazing artist too and I knew people needed to see that. He made it through and he is doing a lot better. He designs games now. If you try you will make it. Don’t give up.

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I’m really sorry to hear that you’re going through this. It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain right now, and I want to acknowledge how brave it is to share your feelings, even when you’re feeling so low.

I can see that you’re struggling with thoughts that life doesn’t hold much meaning and that you’re a burden. I want you to know that you’re not alone in feeling this way, and expressing what you’re going through doesn’t make you a failure or a burden. It shows that you’re reaching out and looking for someone to listen, and that’s important.

It’s understandable that talking to friends or family about this seems difficult right now. If you’re not ready for that, maybe consider writing down your thoughts privately to get some of it out. Sometimes, even small acts like that can help ease the weight of things just a little.

Please be gentle with yourself. These feelings may be intense right now, but they don’t have to define you. You deserve compassion, understanding, and the chance to find a bit of light.

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