I want to fall asleep forever

I used to be really happy but recently my life has hit rock bottom. I’ve been sleeping and been tired a lot more, my grades are crap, and my mother keeps telling me to do better when I am doing the best I can currently physically and mentally do. Sleeping is the only relief I can get and I just want to sleep and never wake up. I just want someone to listen to me. I am a 15 year old highschooler that can barely stay awake in class and it feels like everyone has abandoned me. I have tried to take my life before but now I want to do it because I am so tried of life… someone please help me get rid of these thoughts.


Hi :heart:

I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much pain right now :pensive:

I don’t know how much of this you can relate to, but my family was so wrapped up in their worldview that they couldn’t see me, my needs, my feelings, or have compassion for me. They criticised me into being who they wanted me to be.

The pain of emotional abandonment is excruciating. We need compassion and love, and less harsh, cold, careless pressure. I feel sad hearing how alone and seemingly crushed you feel. It sounds like you’re experiencing frequent emotional (and perhaps some physical?) pain, am I hearing that right?

I commend your willingness to reach out. I wish I did that when I was younger. I came quite close to ending my life a couple of times in my teens. My parents and I never discussed anything remotely close to the pain and darkness I was in, they weren’t capable of emotionally connecting and having compassion for me or anyone else. I didn’t find therapy and a real, loving, intimate, compassionate, empathetic relationship with someone who saw me as deeply as I could see them until I was almost thirty.

I hope you can feel a smidge of compassion from me, a stranger, in my response. However, given the gravity of pain you are in, and how you said you’ve attempted to take your life in the past, I suspect it will do little to heal your pain. I suspect pain like you are expressing is from deep emotional wounding, and requires a good deal of time and effort to heal.

Are you on a healing journey yet? Have you started reading, watching videos, or talking with a counselor or friend or anyone else about this? Unfortunately, we often must find the courage to take many of the steps on our own healing journey. However there are allies, friends, mentors, and wonderful resources that can help you along yours. Fortunately, you just took a step by reaching out. That makes me kind of happy :smiling_face:

One final question (perhaps rhetorical, unless you’d like to share about it:) I’m curious when this change happened. You mentioned you were much happier before.

If I can offer you just one piece of advice, from my years on my own healing journey, it is to find any blip of compassion you can find for yourself, and nurture it. Just like a little candle in your heart, shine that warmth into yourself, and have compassion for your pain, and your thoughts, and your circumstances. Have compassion for your life, and what brought you here. That alone has been profound part of my healing.

I’d find it quite meaningful to exchange another message with you if you’d like to share anything else. I’m not always on every day, but I’ll be back soon :two_hearts: I respect the courage it takes to reach out in the darkness you are in.

I hope you do find some self-compassion inside you, and I hope you continue discussing this.

One quote I recently heard that I’ll leave you with:

Our capacity for healing is at least as great as our capacity to be hurt.

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Hello. So sorry to hear you’re having these thoughts and going through what you’re going through. I did a video response to share my thoughts and offer some support. I want to fall asleep forever -- Response | Loom