I want to go back

I dont know how long I can keep going on, everything hurts and the last time I even felt remotely happy was this time last year
So many great things were happening to me and my friends and I was so happy.

Though i loved it, now whenever I remember it or think about it I feel sick, like the yearning for then is too much, my stomach tightens and I feel nauseas just from wanting to go back.

Maybe if I force myself to think about it enough things will go back to the way they were. Maybe everything will be the same
I wish it was then, I hate now.

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Hey, i feel you.

I wish i could go back to the past because my present looks bleak, i really wish i could advise you properly but im in the exact same position and i have no idea how to deal, one thing i could mention is that you need to try to keep in contact with your friends or make a few more new friends, find people you can trust to share your feelings with. Try to find hobbies to distract yourself from sadness/loneliness.
I wish you the very best.

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