I was 18 and i got a 36 year old woman pregnant sh

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Belongs to: Therapist Spits It Out - Slipknot
I was 18, and I got a 36 year old woman pregnant. She was an attorney. I did what my grandfather taught me, and I married her. Obviously, things did not work out. Her dad was an executive for Norfolk Southern railroad. I couldn’t fight the money. I basically lost my daughter. That was in 1997. We reconnected 5 years ago, but she put an end to our communication. I hurt her and I regret it. I was too young and irresponsible and her mom was too resentful. It tears me apart daily.

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Hey there my friend. Thanks so much for opening up about this. My story isn’t exactly the same but i think I can understand what you’re feeling, if on a smaller scale heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - I was 18 and i got a 36 year old woman pregnant sh - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - 17 April 2024 | Loom