I was an addict at 13 full fledged junky by 14 sti

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
I was an addict at 13 full fledged junky by 14… still there. Im 40. I might be 41 or 42, im not sure. The days all bleed together sometimes as it doesn’t matter really. Im functioning of course. Ive known of people that went their whole lives and lived to be quite old. Though i would never touch alcohol. Vicious drug, turns men into animals


Hello and welcome to HeartSupport! We are so glad you’ve come to us. I’m so sorry you’ve struggled with addiction for such a long time. We are here to listen to your story. Post on the wall as often as you feel is needed!

Hey! I kinda get where you’re coming from. I am from around a place where kids got addictions early in life, even maybe earlier than you. I was too much of a hermit to get to those circles, but I sort of knew about them. My school mate’s brother passed away due to drugs in his teens.

I get the roughness of life where you can wind up in a place that you weren’t expecting at all while growing up. But I’m also really happy that you’re here and that you’re reaching out. It means a lot that you’re watching and telling your life experiences here with us.

My grandpa made a promise to his dad to never touch alcohol and he never did. Hope you’ll be well and live a long, good life. Hope I see you again soon!

I myself am an addict. I was/am addicted to alcohol. Alcohol has gotten me into many legal issues over the years all rooting from the addiction and using it as a crutch for depression and everything else that was seemingly going wrong in my life. 9-1/2 years ago after loosing my house, my job, a broken engagement I was spinning out of control. I once again turned to the crutch that was so easily used as excuse or bandage for what was going on. One April 12, 2015 I drunkenly drove my car off the road and driving it up a power line causing myself to car to flip and completely destroy my vehicle and essentially what l thought was going to be my life forever. But that moment was a blessing in disguise. I woke up in a jail cell and I knew that there was no longer a space in my life for my crutch. From being able to walk away from such a drastic accident without a scratch on me I knew this
was my second chance at life. I realized everything happens for a reason and sober living is an option. But you can only do it for yourself. Going through the hard path is never easy but you can do it. I may not know you but we are family in this. I will pray for you and give you my healing thoughts my friend. By requesting help and realizing you have a problem is the biggest step so you have already made that. You got this! I wish you only the best in life.