I was in from 86 to 09 three bronze stars for valo

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch
I was in from 86 to 09, three bronze stars for valor, two silver stars for valor, Purple Heart, Navy Cross……just shiny bobbles……doesn’t make my PTSD any less. I live within darkness but always present a smile.


Thank you for your service my friend. You’re correct that your shiny bobbles don’t take the place of the things you’ve experienced. These traumas will walk with you in various aspects of your life because these things are now a part of you. You are so strong to be able to find your smile in the Darkness and not let those things define WHO you are. Keep going.

When the warriors are tired and weary from being strong and carrying such a heavy burden, we are the ones to carry them. I may not know exactly what you’ve been through. I do know I’m grateful everyday for the pieces of yerself you’ve left behind in the field. I know my children are grateful for the liberties you’ve defended. So if I gotta be the civilian who holds up a warrior, I hear you, I see you, and I am thankful everyday for you. I hope you find a way to reconcile and navigate this world with your monsters. And know you are not alone in yer struggles.