I was looking forward to seeing skilletmusic saint

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Belongs to: Feeling like you re going through struggles alone
I was looking forward to seeing @skilletmusic @saintasonia again and @adelitasway for the first time Found out this morning that the @capuletfest is a mess right now and might not happen. Was so looking forward to this. I have a lot to live for but I struggle with anxiety and have no self love. Music calms me. Love you guys! :cry::metal:t2::black_heart:

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I’m so sorry friend that plans with the Capulet Fest seem to be compromised. I imagine how much you’ve been waiting for this - just the perspective of making new connections and enjoying music you love… it’s hard when things don’t go as planned, especially when these events happen to be a real breather to us. Hopefully, there will be soon other opportunities for you - or that better news would come last minute for this fest.

I hear you also on how much anxiety can be difficult to live with. You might know rationally that there are good things in your life to feel grateful for, anxiety just has this way of pushing your brain to be on full speed all the time. Then it also affects the way you feel physically, almost making you feel as if your own body was not safe anymore. It’s hard to deal with both the cycles that anxiety creates, then on top of it the exhaustion it creates. You see it happening like an observer on the passenger side, while also fully feeling the effects of it on your life.

Just earlier this week I had to take two days off work because my anxiety has been on top for weeks, which left me breaking down at home during the weekend. I know these cycles by heart, and I’m sure you’re familiar with it too - but ugh it’s definitely frustrating to feel like spiraling through the same patterns over and over. My heart truly goes out to you as you navigate the challenges that anxiety creates, and all the false obstacles it adds on your path.

Keep reaching as you need, keep standing up for yourself every morning. That anxiety is a part of your life, but it is not you and it does not define your identity. You, my friend, are sooo much more an dhave so much beauty to share with this world! Thank you so much for being here today, for commenting and sharing about your personal journey. I’ll be rooting for you. :heart:

-Marie-Anne, Heartsupport Staff