I was sexually assaulted by my female neighbor whe

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I was sexually assaulted by my female neighbor when I was 11 years old. My parents were going through the roughest point of their lives at the time and I had no real idea how to go about telling them. To this day they still don’t know and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to tell them. I’ve only ever told a single person about this, and that was very recently. I’m a 28 year old man now, and it’s songs like this that bring me some sort of catharsis.

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I’m so sorry you had to experience that as a child. That’s not something anyone should ever have to go through. Holding that trauma in for so long can really take a toll and is a burden you aren’t meant to bear alone. I’m so glad you took a step and opened up. The first step is always the most difficult and scary. But you did it! I’ve experienced feelings of betrayal and guilt and shame in my life and I’ve found that sharing those feelings with someone else I trust always helps. Shame survives when we keep it inside. Once we give a voice to those feelings and start to process them, they lose their power over us. I love the saying “Shame cannot survive in the light.” I encourage you to keep opening up. You did not deserve what happened to you and I’m sorry your parents weren’t there for you. But you are strong and resilient and you’ve taken an important step toward healing! I believe you will come through this stronger. This is a safe place and you are not alone! We are here for you, you are loved and you are worthy of healing.

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Thank you for opening up about such a vulnerable point in your life, it takes a lot of strength to do so.

I’m so sorry that you had to go through such a painful and traumatic experience. It must feel so hurtful to have your parents not be able to be there for you when you needed it. Processing such a difficult time by yourself can feel so isolating, even if it’s just one person who you can tell, it makes all the difference to not go through it alone.

Telling your parents can bring a lot of relief, but it is far from an easy thing to do. It takes some people over 20 years to fully feel like they can over up about such hard things, don’t feel pressured to open up if you aren’t ready.

It is not your fault that such an awful thing happened to you. You deserve so much better than you have been treated. Healing is so possible for you and I know you will find peace.

I find that journaling and prayer have been huge parts of my healing and helped me find so much inner peace within myself. Take your time and be kind to yourself, we are here for you and love you tremendously. I hope you know how supported and loved you are, you will find peace <3