I was trying to better understand this message and

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Belongs to: Spiritbox - Jaded - Therapist Reacts
I was trying to better understand this message and why it resonated so much with me; I’ve recently felt increasingly hopeless and trying to be aware of self built blind spots help. I appreciate your expertise and perspective.


Thank you for sharing this with us. Hopelessness is incredibly hard and I feel for you in your struggles to push through these feelings. With that said I’m so glad to hear that this was helpful for you and hope this awareness continues helping into the future. If you’d ever like to share more about how you’re feeling and/or those hopeless feelings, we’re here for you on the HeartSupport forum (https://forum.heartsupport.com/) and would love to hear more. Thank you, once more, for sharing.

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I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing hopelessness. It can feel really hard to experience things or develop certain attitudes about ourselves that can shape our outlook for the future. It’s good that it sounds like you have some self awareness about certain blind spots you may have. I’m glad to hear that this video could help you, and thank you for sharing.

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Hey friend :heart:

I’m really touched that you value our expertise and perspective in your journey of self-awareness and personal growth. Remember, you’re not alone in facing these challenges, and there’s always room for positive change. Here are a couple of inspirational quotes that might resonate with you:

  1. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs

  2. “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein

Your willingness to acknowledge and address your blind spots is a courageous step towards a brighter future. Keep that hope alive, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

Hopefully this is somewhat reassuring!

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Yes, it makes such a big difference to start realizing that our internal world can be subjected to narratives that we create about ourselves, about our future, about the world around us… or others that we have simply internalized because of hurt and pain. It is a type of awareness that opens the door to so many new and different opportunities. A bit scary at first as it can feel like you would have been working against yourself – but through all the self-built blind spots, there is often a high need for us to care for ourselves, and practice developing a kind outlook on who we are or the situation we’re in. It makes such a big difference when we take the time to look within and practice distinguishing what serves or from what is simply sabotaging us. For so long I’ve personally only relied on painful narratives - and still do at times -, but it’s been life-changing to lean towards a path where I allow myself to be my very first ally in life. It’s a strange dynamic, and it feels super uncomfortable at times! But it’s so worth it.

Excited for you as lean into this practice of self-awareness, and hoping for you to embrace the new spaces of growth that it will enable for you. Hopelessness can be part of our experiences and makes us profoundly human. But it does not need to take over our life and our personal choices. In between, it is possible to forge your path. You got this, friend. I believe in you.

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