I wish any therapist i went to made as much sense

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
I wish any therapist I went to made as much sense as this lady. I have to keep my own monster hidden. Those close to me know the darkness is there, but no clue what it actually is. I despise being told how im feeling, nobody has ever been correct about that. Not even worth sharing because they don’t believe it’s true when I try to explain my actual feelings. No, they are sure it’s something else entirely. So i have to hide it, act better than I feel so they don’t even make guesses anyway.

Probably why i like this song too.


I’m so sorry that you have to through life every day hiding your feelings. That facade must be so draining, and that lack of understanding or connection with those close to you must feel isolating. I commend you for reaching out and sharing, but my heart breaks for you when those you share with don’t believe what you tell them. You deserve a listening ear and an open heart, and I’m sorry that those around you haven’t given you those things yet.

Just like you said, that inner darkness can feel like a monster, caged within. Those around you can tell you have that pain inside, but they have no clue what the monster is truly like. I won’t tell you how you are feeling, nor attempt to make a guess, but I can only imagine that the darkness must feel so consuming.

I want you to know, however, that just because you may not have had someone listen fully and deeply to you yet, or because no one has been able to fully grasp how you feel - that does not mean that nobody can. The key word here is “yet”. I pray that you don’t consider this the end of your search for help, and I would venture to say that it is not, as you are here talking to us! Just because you haven’t received the love or care you seek does not mean that it is not there. It has just not been there yet. You deserve every ounce of compassion and every word you say deserves full attention. I care for you and I care to know your story. If you feel comfortable, I would love to talk more with you about this inner darkness you face. You deserve connection, and we at HeartSupport want to cultivate that for you.

And if you don’t want to get personal, I understand that. I just want you to know that however cliche it mat sound, it is true that this will not last forever. In the same way that a barren and harsh winter eventually is conquered by the tiny flower buds of spring, your darkness can be conquered with tiny shards of hope. Each day, ruminate on the tiniest, most minuscule victories or bright spots in your day, and let the hope of each of those carry you into the next, knowing that the blooming of one flower leads to many, many more in time. It takes time, and there will still be cold spells where it feels like you are retreating back into the dark, but the spring always and forever will come. I know that future is there for you. This inner darkness is not forever. Better days await you and I hope and pray that you stick around to see them. These days come through opening up and processing what you are going through with loving, listening, and caring peers. Even if you haven’t found them in person yet, let us be those people because we truly want to be.

You are loved so much more than you could ever know. You matter infinitely. Thank you for sharing your story and holdfast- we believe in you.

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Hello and thanks for your post!

There are a couple of things here, so I will start by saying I love this song too and I’m glad it brought our paths together! I also agree that Taylor has an “approachable” way that she breaks things down, which makes it very effective! I think part of that is the music itself, which is hardly ever found in a typical “therapist” session. That’s part of the genius of HeartSupport using music to start conversations about mental health. I wonder, though, if the other part is that the format, the music, Taylor’s relaxed style, etc. make it easier for US to open up to ourselves, to be vulnerable, etc. Besides, it’s not like I’m sitting face to face with a therapist. It’s just me and my computer screen, right? I think a lot about the fact that therapy, like almost everything in life, is equally about what I put into it, as much as it is about what the therapist can tell me. I don’t mean that to sound dismissive of your concerns! Just to provide a thinking point as you approach your future interactions, therapy sessions, etc.

In terms of the “darkness” and/or “monster” inside, I’m so sorry you have to live with that every day! That feels SO exhausting! Mental health is such a difficult topic because it’s not easy to touch/feel. Nor is it easy to realize that we have some troubles with our own mental health. I try to remember to give others some benefit of the doubt when discussing my mental health hurdles. I try to focus on the intent of their message more than the words that come out, but I know that’s hard to do every time, especially with something so raw and personal!

If I can leave you with one thing - it’s basically exactly like that video. Ronnie found something (that’s his real life daughter, I believe) that he said saved his life. I think the symbolism of that final scene in the video is something we all can try to embrace. There’s some light in the darkness, we just have to stay strong, fight back some of our inner demons, etc. to find it and let it shine! Be kind to yourself and keep striving to shine your light too!