I wish it were easier to get your life back

I wish it was easy to get your life back in to line but I understand because I am going through thing that makes life harder and sad

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Hey friend,

Welcome to Heartsupport!

I’m pumped that you found the community and felt the courage to post here for the first time.

I think you’ll find that we’re a giant community of people who get it in the sense that a lot of us have gone through things and are here to help those going through things.

Life is hard. That’s more or less the fact of it. I wish I could say otherwise, but it’s this very fact that makes life worth living. It’s our ability to weather the storm and manage to keep ourselves afloat that makes us stronger and that strength is what we pass onto others.

It comes down to understanding, what does the life you desire look like? What things are you doing, what do you do for work, what kind of friends surround you, where do you live, what hobbies are you doing, etc.

Then working back from there to establish small goals to make those things eventually possible to acheive. It’s easy to get lost with the big bright shiney goals and dreams, but it’s important to divide those things up in the managble chucks to accomplish.

Drill into each one that you write out or think of and try to find the easiest way to begin that thing. once you begin, keep doing it a little bit everyday.

Life doesn’t get easier over night, but it becomes incredible if you work just a little bit on it every day. Over the course of a year or so, you can look back and be extremely proud from where you came.

Look into the law of compounding. It’s incredible.

That said, life will always be hard. Once you overcome your current challenges, you will be met with more. It’s kind of like playing a video game. Once you beat a level or level up, you are met with challenges that test you a little bit more…forcing you to grow and level up.

I hope this helps a little bit.

Stay strong frinend. I believe in you!

Welcome, @Dallas16 , and thank you for sharing what is on your heart.

You’re looking at your life, and you see that life isn’t working out as well as it used to. Things happen all the time that keep up from that idealized state. You long for a time when the good outweighed the bad. Maybe you feel powerless, bitter, or inadequate.

I feel like that too sometimes. I’m currently in a phase in life where I’m struggling to make sure I can get by. It’s hard to plan for the future when I spend so much focus on getting through the month. And I get disappointed in myself that I’m not doing all the things that I want to and should be doing.

I am able to find joy in connecting with other people. I’m involved in my local dance community by volunteering at the weekly dance lessons and leading a dance team. Finding joy with other people is what gets me through the day. I hope that you’ll be able to find the little joys in life and not let the hard and sad things cloud your view of the good things.

You are working so hard. You will get through things. And hopefully we both can find the other side of the difficulties and see the good things outweigh the bad.

Hold Fast.