Idk what to do anymore?

From hxyodabruhmini: Uh. I’m a bit embarrassed to share here just bc I don’t like to talk about this stuff to ppl I don’t know, but I have no where else to go? Everyone I still love left me. And no not just like a relationship ended or sum stupid I lost someone I considered a sister someone who lived In my house for 6 months she left and it really had nothing to do with me why she left but she said my name like I did something to her even though I tried so hard to treat her with respect even tho the situation was new to me and she said she had a better bond with my actual sister and that I never really talked to her Ik I’m a introvert so I understand where she’s coming from ig? But I tried really hard to come out of my comfort zone with her and really try to make a connection and she went ahead and said I didn’t mean anything to her I was just there. I’m not going to get into detail so idk if that makes sense but yea there’s that and then there’s my best friend online who I’ve been friends with for a long time she was actually the first person to make me feel actually welcome for being myself a few months ago I found out she had been using me the entire time after she scammed me for some useless crap on a video game. Lol I mean yeah whatever, and I guess I can count loosing myself right? I feel kinda soulless yk? Does anybody know that feeling I’m just kind of sick of being left I had already been left a million times by a million people before I met these people and I really thought omg I’m finally happy I finally found my people just for them to turn out just like the rest and the worst part is they stuck around and dragged me though mud for a year my time fucking wasted my money my heart wasted on these mfs that couldn’t care if I was dead rn. who can blame em right how can I expect them to care when I don’t I don’t want to be alive why would they want me to be yk what I mean? I’m tired and sick of life and everything around me is changing I have no control over my life and I’m so over it i just wanna die if I’m being truly honest.


I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time. It sounds like some of the people that have been very important to you have either left or deceived you. This is painful and most certainly not what you deserve. Are there maybe some family members that feel less important to you but you could still turn to for support?
If at some point you are afraid you might actually hurt yourself I would ask you to please reach out to crisis resources Crisis Resources | HeartSupport

Hi @HeartSupport_Server,

It must have been hard for you to have many of your past friends that deceive you. I went through a similar situation like yours. You just never know when someone ghost or mistreat you. It took me 4-5 years to recover from toxic relationship with cousins & friends. I needed to take a break from friends because I wasn’t myself. Friendships are just like relationships. Sometimes friendship & relationships aren’t meant to last forever. It took me a long time until last year to find a friend that respects me. I was frustrated but I told myself that’s not the end of world if I lose a friend or loved one.

There were also mistakes that I made in my friendships so I learned from them. No rush to have friends or date. You need to know your own interest & hobbies. I love the crisis resources that @leapyeargirl put. I’m super concern about your mental health.

From muffinlovesmuffins: Hey <@1086629790796222544>
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. It must be horrible to have people you trusted betray you like that. Please remember that this is, in some way, a good thing. You found out who they truly are, and you won’t waste your time on being friends with them if you know they’re like that. They’re not worth self-harm. People come, take, and leave. It’s evil. But, the world out there is huge. Filled with opportunities, I’m more than sure you’ll eventually find some really good friends, and potentially a boyfriend. Remember, even the people we love most can betray us. And for the person you considered a sister, I’m also sorry for the situation, but remember, as I mentioned before, it’s good in a way, because you know what she really thought now. Good luck with finding new people! I’m sure you’ll find lots of friends quickly. You’re capable! Stay strong Jada.

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Hey friend, I’m so sorry that it felt like have been constantly leaving and abandoning you. It is so hard to be in a position where it seems that people don’t care enough about you to stay. That somehow you would be disposable like and object. It’s the kind of thing that makes you wonder if there isn’t a pattern behind it and if you wouldn’t be too broken to keep people in your life. But I want to send some love your way and a reminder that you matter very much and you deserve to embrace mutual and fulfilling relationships, including with yourself. I hope you are safe these days and manage to ride these emotions in a way that doesn’t imply to hurt yourself. Sending much love your way.