My boyfriend of 2 years just left me 2 days before Valentine’s Day for the ex-girlfriend that cheated on him and thought she was pregnant by someone else when she was with him before. I don’t see why anyone would want to go back to something like that. I treated him with the respect he deserved, he treated me the same, he never talked to her before that day. I don’t know what I did but he blamed the break up on me after he got mad at something else that had absolutely nothing to do with me. His mom just said to give him his space for a while and he’ll come back to me when he’s ready, but I already know I’m never going to get that chance again because he called me worthless and childish and said he never wanted to see me again. I really don’t know what I did, but I wish I knew so I could work on it and make myself better. I need someone to talk to me about this badly. I’ve been crying nonstop for 3 days. I wanna know why I wasn’t enough for him when I loved him with everything I had, but his ex was the most important thing to him when he knows he’s just going to get cheated on. She was my old best friend, I didn’t know before him and I got together, they were together and he left her for me. I know he made the right choice there but he downgraded hard back to her. I just wish I was enough for him. He constantly talked about a threesome like he didn’t want just me anymore like he wanted to do stuff with someone else then leave me. I just don’t know how to feel, I just know I am not good enough for anyone, and I am absolutely worthless. No one is going to love an overweight 17-year-old girl. He loved me no matter what I looked like, everyone else calls me disgusting and fat.
hey… hey there I probably wouldn’t have the right words to say because I genuinely don’t want you to feel worse… But please know that i’m here right now and i’m sending lots of hugs and love from my side I know you’re extremely hurt from this but maybe you could try to breathe for a bit yeah? Just breathe for a tiny bit and give yourself some space. I’m here hugs. Baby girl… Sometimes in life we just get hit unexpectedly by horrible situations… sometimes a bit and sometimes all at once… In your case I’m really not sure what’s going on with him on his side but it seems like there’s a lot of insecurities going on within the relationship that probably wasn’t discussed together. I genuinely think that you DO deserve better and he doesn’t really sound like the ideal person to spend most of life with I know it hurts, like your soul has been crushed and damaged… But hey, I want you to know that You Are Enough. You always will be and always have been <3 when you were born, you weren’t programmed to think that “No one is going to love an overweight 17 year old girl”, someone installed that thought in you. It’s not true because i’m very sure that you’re absolutely gorgeous the way you are. You Are Enough okay? <3 And anyone else who thinks that way of you can just go suck on a cactus for being such shallow minded pricks. All you need right now is some time and space and some silence to help ease the pain. In your own time and at your own pace, you will be alright, you just gotta try and endure it for a while. We’re all here for you <3
that’s really painful, and i’m sorry you’re going through this. but this situation does not measure you or your worth. you are good enough, even if some people can’t see it.
you’re going through a rough time. we’re here so you don’t have to go through it alone. things will get better in time.