Im 55 and have been dealing with rejection all my

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I’m 55 and have been dealing with rejection all My life in one form or another. It just seems to get heavier with each passing year…


Hey friend,

Sorry to hear that you’ve dealt with this for so long. This does, however, bring to mind some buddhist philosphy that has helped me get through a lot.

It essentially boils down to non attachment and self love. For a long time a dealt with rejection, self loathing, and just an all around dismal perspective on my own life. I got fed up with that and went on an internal journey to try and change that and I came accross this kind of thinking.

In essense, If you turn inward and give yourself the love that you desire, rather than searching for it outside, you eventually fill your own cup. And because you fill your own cup, filling the voids of rejection while doing so, you can pour into other cups. Once you pour into other cups, thie things you desire eventually come to you without you doing much to reach for it and therefore reducing the potential for rejection all together.

Instead of writing you a book and how I was able, for the most part, remove myself from that cycle, here’s a great article that explains it way better than I ever could… Self-Love Advice From The Buddha - Insight Timer Blog.

Hope this helps, friend. Stay in there! let love prevail!

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Thank you for taking this opportunity to share!
Rejection is a heavy hitter. There’s just no way around it when it happens.
Just know that even when you feel rejected by everyone, the HeartSupport community will never reject you. We know that you are worthy of love solely because you are a human being. If you’re not able to find it in other places, you will find it here.
If there’s anything more you’d like to share, feel free to come to the forum ( and let us know what you are going through and how it weighs on your heart.
Take Care, and Hold Fast.

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Hey there,

The burden of rejection seems to weigh heavy on your life. I’m so sorry to hear this. After so much time, this only gets harder on you, and I’m sorry you’ve been grappling with such feelings for so long.

All that said, it’s important to recognize your resilience in enduring these challenges. Despite the setbacks, you’ve persevered, which speaks volumes about your strength and determination. Remember, rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person. Each rejection is an opportunity for growth and learning, even though it may not feel like it at the moment. You have valuable qualities and experiences that make you unique and deserving of acceptance and appreciation. I encourage you to practice self-compassion and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

Surround yourself with supportive people who recognize your worth and uplift you. And never forget that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and find fulfillment. Keep pushing forward, and know that you’re not alone on this journey.