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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to THE POT by TOOL
I’m a fat slug who drinks and eats too much, I feel stuck. HeartSupport
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to THE POT by TOOL
I’m a fat slug who drinks and eats too much, I feel stuck. HeartSupport
Thanks for expressing your concerns! Have you ever talk to a health professional about this problem? What is the reason that you are drinking and eating too much? It’s okay if you don’t want to share it. Don’t be so harsh on yourself and I used to be in your situation. There were days that I literally give up when sober and diet. Weight is just a number but can be inaccurate sometimes. As I got older, I told myself if I love my body the way it is than their is no point of losing and gaining weight. I sometimes treat myself to eat junk and fast food once in a while. That is what makes me happy. Exercising took me many years to develop a good habit. Always reward yourself when you accomplish something like workout or any goal in your life.
You may feel stuck now and just remember you aren’t alone fighting with drinking and eating. I’m always here to support you no matter on the good & bad days of your life.
Man, I hear you, and I’m really sorry you’re feeling like this. It’s hardwhen you feel stuck and can’t seem to find a way out.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been there too, and stil l struggle at times with the ghost of old habits, eating disorders inclunded. Feeling like I’m just going through the motions and not living the way I want to. There have been times when I’ve felt out of control with my habits which it’s such a frustrating place to be in. You know you want things to be different, but it feels like every effort is ruined over and over, for the habits you’ve been in are just much more stronger than your wish for change. There were days when I would wake up feeling so unmotivated, like everything I did was pointless. I’d look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back at me. I’d try to make changes, but it felt like every small step forward was met with two steps back again and again. It’s like no matter how much you want things to change, you keep getting pulled back into the same patterns. Then the feelings of shame sink in… making you feel like you are the problem, that you’re not capable enough, if not good enough altogether.
It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge when you’re struggling and to say “I’m not okay”. Feeling stuck is isolating, making you feel like you’re the only one going through this and like you would be at fault somehow, but I want you to know that you’re not alone in these feelings. The fact that you’re sharing how you feel is already a huge step in itself and a way to start breaking those cycles.
Thank you for sharing, friend. We believe in you here.
-Marie-Anne, Heartsupport Staff