Im a paranoid schizophrenic who has stopped taking

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Sick Boi Ren
I’m a Paranoid Schizophrenic who has stopped taking my pills because I used to be a brilliant artist and writer, but the risperidone has taken that away. I stopped them about three months ago and have started writing a book, It’s been a way of trapping my delusion in the pages, and they conflict one another, but no more voices. My dear friend had come accross Hi Ren and asked is this schitsophrenia? I said yes and fell madly in love with Ren’s Music.

Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Sometimes you need to stop taking medication if it gives you bad side effects. My psychiatrist told me not every medication will work for others. There are pills that didn’t help me so much with my mental health. I had to take break from them until I feel much better to take medication again. You are super courageous for not taking medication that didn’t help you at all. That’s awesome that you loved Ren’s music. Anything that distracts from your mental health is a good sign to me!

What type of pictures that you used to draw? I loved to see people’s artwork. At least, you are more talented than me. What is your book about? I love to read books too.

This is not a support topic → user is sharing about what helps them cope (writing).