Im an alcoholic and addict i struggle every day tr

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
I’m an alcoholic and addict. I struggle every day trying to start and maintain sobriety. I’ve been a longtime Tool fan. I’ve related to this song for a long time now. :hourglass: :sleepy::frowning_man::tumbler_glass:

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I understand that people drink alcohol for entertainment. People have no idea how dangerous when drinking too much alcohol. A person needs to be careful when drinking. I have been sober for 2-3 months. You aren’t alone in this sober journey. This year I decided to stop drinking because it affected my mental health really bad. There are things that I want to explore and do besides drinking. How long have you been sober? I’m super proud of you being sober too. That’s nice that you listen to song that helps you understand alcohol addiction.

Hey friend, thank you so much for reaching out here and sharing about your struggles with alcohol. It is definitely not an easy step to take to be open about that type of struggle, especially when you are in the midst of feeling lost in it. I want to acknowledge your courage here for being vulnerable, being open about what’s going on in your life. Rest assured that right here, in this community, you are absolutely not judged. We love you as you are and we want the best for you.

Addiction is an awful beast to tackle. It is something that tends to control so many aspects of your life that it is really hard to find your way in it and feeling like YOU are the one in control again. It’s like for a certain amount of time someone else was driving the car and you have been pushed on the passenger seat. You see your life happening, you see events taking place, you see yourself behaving in ways you don’t want to have. But this distance between the steering wheel and your hands is so huge that it feels almost impossible to be the driver again.

In light of these hardships, it makes absolutely sense to have a hard time working on your sobriety and struggling sometimes with even trying. The perspective of removing that from your life is in itself a grief to process. It’s difficult to actively work on giving up on something that at first was helping you and turned out to become a force that feels absolutely overwhelming. This is a tough journey that you are on, but I really want to shed some light on the beauty of your message here too.

You are naming the struggle. You are being honest about it, you are aware of what’s going on, you are talking about how it’s affecting you. You are not running away from it, on the contrary, you are actively trying to overcome something that you don’t want in your life anymore. This is in itself a major step for your recovery, even if it feels like you are stuck in it for a considerable amount of time here. Wanting to separate yourself from the substance that is making your life more painful is such a strong expression of your willingness to get out of this rut.

If you feel like you are stuck, it could be interesting to start considering options in which you could receive external support. I know some people use support groups like 12 steps groups, others seek therapy, others are open about their struggles with their loved ones so they know they could be held accountable within their closer circle. Some journeys are not meant to be explored just on our own, and it’s okay to ask for help, especially if you feel like you are trying but lack the tools or encouragement to keep on going on this journey.

You are going to overcome this, my friend. This addiction is not going to take the best of you. Sometimes it takes opening new door to feel like having this boost we needed in our life. You have the resources within to actively walk on that path towards sobriety, and it’s okay to ask for support while you are doing this. I believe in you and will be rooting for you. :heart: