Im beyond help and have beyond since 1991 but luck

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Toxicity by System of a Down
I’m beyond help and have beyond since 1991. But luckily the end is nearing. Just six more years and I can finally be out of pain that I have been suffering for way too long.@heartsupport

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First of all, thank you so much for coming to HeartSupport. We are so happy you’ve joined us! I’m sorry you’ve endured so much but I’m glad you see a light at the end of the tunnel. What do you hope to accomplish in the next 6 years?

Hope isn’t too out of reach even when it may be beyond help…

Can see why suffering is alot and the difficulties and challenges of life can definitely be alot and you’re not alone through all your dealing with. Whatever suffering this is you can get past those things.You definitely indured alot throughout what you’re dealing with everything and hope things get better in the end. Being out of pain can lift the struggles off you’re mind and glad you saw the right reflection you needed to get past the suffering and pain definitely strong to face such challenges. You deserve freedom from that and hope things get keep getting better for you in these challenges and struggles.
Keep fighting through the darkness can never comprehend the light that waiting for you in the right direction.

Take Care & Hold Fast.

First of all, I can’t know what you’re going through exactly, but I can tell you it sounds like you have an impressive amount of grit and stamina if you’ve been able to deal with what you’re dealing with for 30+ years. That’s a very long time to struggle with something. I appreciate you feeling like you’re beyond help, and I’m definitely not trying to minimize your feelings in this situation. It does, however, seem like you’ve found some way of coping with whatever is harming you. You clearly have the self-understanding to be able to come to heartsupport, and share what you’re going through. That alone takes a significant amount of emotional maturity and bravery. I know when I’ve felt un-helpable or undeserving of help, I often find that I’m blind to those avenues available to me for help. And often what is blinding me is my own refusal to believe that anyone else could care about me or what I’m going through. I don’t know if that is what you’re dealing with, but I can say you’re definitely not alone in your feelings. Thank you for posting this.