Im-facing-the-loss-of-my-great-grandma-shes-97-and - 2600

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I’m facing the loss of my great grandma, she’s 97 and hanging on by a thread. She’s an incredible women, so inspiring and insightful. She’s seen the world and I want nothing more than to live life as freely as her. I’m also facing the loss of my best friend who is in kidney failure. And the loss of my old self as I am now a mother and finding out who I am now in this new version of life. Lesson- Everything is temporary

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Wow - so much loss in so many different forms. Anticipatory grief for your great grandma and your best friend, loss of old identity as your finding a new version of yourself. With all of this loss around you I’m sure it feels hard to find anything to hold onto, because everything feels like it’s just slipping through your fingers. It sounds like your grandmother has given you a gift by being a role model, she’s given you a legacy to aspire to, one to carry on, and maybe that can be a helfpul guide as you start to come into this new identity as a mother. With loss I find that I often don’t understand why it’s happening, and it doesn’t feel fair, and when I focus on that I just get angry but when I try to focus on the legacy of the person and use it as inspiration to add into my own life it helps it sting a little less. Sending you love on this journey friend. Congrats on your new motherhood <3 Being a mother is the most important beautiful job there is.

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